6 0 5

Name: ???
Fandom: ???
Species: ???
Location: ???

Weee a lot of "???"s

The six-year-old boy at her school asked her, "Do you have any powers?"

    She looked at him with her big brown eyes, her six-year-old self grinning with excitement. "Yes! Do you want to see?"

    The boy nodded enthusiastically.

    She held out her hands, and adopted a concentrated frown. A moment later, her hands glowed with bright light. The boy gasped as she waved them around, leaving a trail of light behind, until she extinguished the magic, and the glow faded.

    "That's so cool!"

    She giggled along with her first friend. "Thanks!"


The people who were her family asked her, "Do you have any powers?"

    She, confused and six years old, nodded. "I do..."

    Her mother shook her head and sighed. "No, that's the wrong answer, sweetheart. Try again."

    Her father repeated the question: "Do you have any powers?"

    "I...I don't," she murmured, unsure why they were doing this.

    "There you go. That's the right answer."


The man who saved her asked her, "Do you have any powers?"

    Her eight-year-old self clutched her teddy bear close to her chest, tears streaking down her cheeks. She couldn't believe what happened. She couldn't believe what she did. So she shook her head. "N-no, I...I don't."

    For a brief second, he looked confused. Then his expression softened. "Come here little one, I'll get you somewhere safe."

    And he did.


The boy who was her first friend, who reconnected with her at age ten asked her, "Do you have any powers?"

    She froze at that question, but quickly shook herself, and gave a less-than-convincing cough. "No, I don't. Why do you ask?"

    The boy frowned. "But...when we were six, didn't you—?"

    "I don't have powers!" she exclaimed, then doubled back. "I—I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you. But I don't have powers..."

    He waved away the apology. "It's okay. But are you sure?"

    She turned away from him. "Yes, I don't have any powers. Last time we saw each other was four years ago. You might be remembering wrong."

    She walked away after that, and didn't see the confused look on the boy's face.

    The day after that, they met up again, reconnecting and talking about the last four years, random habits, hobbies, what they liked, this or that random person or dog or squirrel that passes by, even the occasional butterfly.

    They did so again the day after that, and the one after that, and the one after that. The boy never mentioned her powers again.

    School started soon after.

    They met up everyday after their classes, and on the weekends. They supported each other. Helped each other with homework. Read those ridiculously thick books with suuuuuuuper long words together.

    The years passed by like a breeze.


The students in their age thirteen Advanced-Martial class asked her, "Do you have powers?"

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