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OC Name: Nightleaf
Fandom: Wings of Fire
Species: dragon, LeafWing-NightWing hybrid
Location: The Rainforest

I was not happy.

    That's to put it simply.

    I roared, spewing fire at the NightWings, something I hated to do, but it was necessary. Mom had always said this would happen, but I wasn't prepared for half a dozen NightWings to just appear in the night sky, looking as if they could take on a whole army themselves.

    It was just after a storm had passed, and thankfully, nothing but a few plants were harmed, and they only went as far as having their leaves singed. The dampness meant that I could use my fire freely without burning the entire forest down.

    But I still didn't like the burning sensation of my insides. It hurt, for goodness sake.

    I growled at one of the bigger black dragons, leaping onto them, digging my claws into their scales. They, in turn, roared in pain and anger.

    Whoops. I only succeeded in making them more angry than doing any damage.

    I gathered my leafspeak, then leaped off the NightWing, but couldn't avoid their claws slashing my tail, leaving a bleeding wound. I hissed, but concentrated on sending my leafspeak to the nearby vines.

    I stumbled back as two NightWings charged me again, only to be stopped by vines that magically reached out, entangling them in one giant knot. The huge NightWings roared, flailing around, hitting and clawing each other more than the vines holding them, which only made them flail around more.

    My breath quickened with fear and panic, but I managed to keep my head straight, miraculously. I narrowed my eyes. The other four had disappeared. That was a problem. I was one fourth of their sizes, and one of them could easily pin me down and drag me to their cursed island to be experimented on.

    The pain in my tail distracted my thinking, and I growled. I swung my tail around to investigate the injury. The wound was long and deep, and blood oozed out, dripping onto the damp forest floor. I was definitely going to get a scar, if I didn't die from an infection, that is.

    Even worse, the plants and trees were screaming in warning, but from where, I could not tell. It seemed to come from all around, and they got louder and louder, so loud that I could hear my own thoughts and—


    I realized, too late, as four NightWings leaped from the undergrowth.

    I roared as the first pinned me down, a howl of pain tearing from my throat as the NightWing dug his claws in, drawing out fresh blood. Another clasped my jaws closed, so that I couldn't even let out the pain. The other two dragons changed course and let their fellow NightWings out of the vines.

    Fear coursed through my veins, and my brain was going into a frenzy from panic. I struggled, but the NightWing pinning me down only dug his claws deeper, and I let out a weak growl, my struggling becoming weaker as well from the pain.

    "That's right," he growled, and I could smell his putrid breath even with my snout shut closed by a pair of talons. "Give in, hybrid. I'm assuming that's what you are. A NightWing and a—what? LeafWing?" He laughed, and the others joined him, as if this was some inside joke.

    He had no idea just how right he was.

    "HA! No," he said, calming down, his sinister tone making me shiver, "I think you're just a mutation, or something from an egg enchanted by an animus."

    I'll show you mutation, I thought rebelliously.

    I summoned all my power, releasing it on the flowers, thorn bushes, vines, and anything that could get these NightWings away or at least distract them while I ran back to my cave.

    At least, that was my plan. Let's just say, it went horribly wrong.

    Orchids, lilies, ivies, vines, various saplings of trees and other I couldn't make out all sprang out of the soil, grabbing the NightWings and hoisting them high into the sky, and flowers blinded them with their newfound pollen in the middle of winter.

    Sneezes echoed through the rainforest as the plants avoided me and created a tunnel to outside the mess of  plants and new trees.

    Without a thought of caution, I sprinted towards the exit, bursting into the forest. I gasped, inhaling a breath of fresh air, pausing to get my bearings and spread my wings, then decided against it and started running.


    More NightWings appeared from nowhere, and stopped me in my tracks. I skidded to a stop, panting in fear and exhaustion. I growed, crouching low to the ground.

    My ears pricked as twigs snapped under talons behind, and I whirled around. I hissed in frustration when I saw more NightWings.

I looked right.

Then left.

I was surrounded. To make matters even worse, they were all at least twice my size, and they didn't look like they would show me any mercy, if they knew what that word meant in the first place.

Why did I listen to Dad and stay in the cave? I had lessons from Mom about fighting in any situation, but there were certain things she couldn't teach me as I was a hybrid. Dad was what some would call a "SapWing," so he didn't know much about fighting, and so I was limited on my fighting skills.

Suddenly, something hit me on the head, and that, along with the pain and fear and exhaustion, was enough to make my brain short-circuit, and I collapsed, my mind going instantly blank as I fell into a swirling black mass of unconsciousness.


I suck at angst.

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