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The yacht cut through the azure waters surrounding Mykonos, the gentle breeze and the rhythmic sound of the waves creating a serene atmosphere. Jude and I found a comfortable spot near the bow, where we could lounge and enjoy the view. The crew had provided us with cold drinks, and the sun was warm but not scorching, making it the perfect day for an excursion.

Leaning back, I took a sip of my drink, feeling the cool liquid slide down my throat. I turned to Jude, who seemed lost in thought, gazing out at the endless sea. "So, tell me more about your football career," I said, curious. "You mentioned you needed a break. Why is that?"

Jude shifted his gaze to me, his dark eyes thoughtful. "Well, football has always been my passion. I started playing when I was really young, and it just kind of took over my life. Training, matches, travel—it's non-stop. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but sometimes it feels like I can't catch my breath."

I nodded, imagining the constant pressure he must be under. "I can imagine. The pressure must be intense, especially with so many eyes on you all the time."

"Exactly," he agreed. "It's not just the physical aspect, it's the mental pressure too. Every game, every move is being watched. And sometimes, you just need to step away to clear your head, to remember why you started in the first place."

I smiled, understanding his sentiment completely. "I get that. It's similar with my music career. Singing has always been my dream, but the industry is tough. There's constant competition, endless promotion, and it can be exhausting. I came to here to find some inspiration and take a breather from all of that."

Jude looked at me, his surprise evident. "You're a singer? That's amazing. What kind of music do you make?"

"Mostly pop, with a bit of soul and R&B," I said, feeling a familiar spark of passion. "I write my own songs, which is both rewarding and challenging. Sometimes the pressure to produce hits can overshadow the joy of creating music."

We fell into a comfortable silence, both of us lost in our thoughts, the yacht continuing its journey along the stunning coastline. After a while, Jude spoke again. "So, what's the purpose behind your solo trip to Mykonos? Besides taking a break, I mean."

I sighed, looking out at the horizon. "I guess I just needed to reconnect with myself. When you're constantly surrounded by people and noise, it's easy to lose sight of who you are and why you're doing what you do. I wanted to get back to the basics, to remember why I love music in the first place."

Jude nodded, his expression understanding. "That's exactly why I'm here too. I needed to step away from the craziness and find some clarity. It's been a while since I've had time to just be myself, without the pressures of my career."

I smiled at him, feeling a genuine connection. "It's funny how similar our reasons are, even though our careers are so different."

"Yeah, it is," he agreed. "But it makes sense. No matter what we do, we all need a break sometimes."

I watched the sun sinking lower, feeling a sense of peace I hadn't experienced in a long time. Jude turned to me, his eyes reflecting the warm light of the setting sun. "Taylor," he began, a playful smile on his lips, "will you sing one of your songs for me?"

I felt a rush of nervousness at the unexpected request. Singing in front of people always made me a little shy, especially when it was a personal song. "I don't know, Jude. I'm not really prepared," I said, biting my lip.

"Come on, please?" he practically begged, leaning in closer. "I really want to hear you sing. You said you write your own songs, and I'd love to hear one. It doesn't have to be perfect."

TAKE  CARE                                                     -JUDE BELLINGHAM Where stories live. Discover now