LVII: Varka's Truth

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"Halt. You're surrounded," Arthur's voice rang out from a distance. In the days he had been with us, I had almost forgotten he was one of the best swordsmen in all of Bluistain. Steeling myself, I walked toward the intruder who had somehow breached Aurora's Veil.

In the shadowed corner of an alleyway, a cloaked man stood, his face obscured by a black mask. He carried an unconscious person on his back, their form limp and lifeless. "Drop whatever weapon you have, now," Azrael commanded, his voice brooking no argument, resonating with authority.

Azrael was about to walk towards the man but I stopped him, instead, I was the one who walked closer to the man. “It's alright, we mean no harm. Who are you?” I asked with a calm voice. I saw that the man was hesitant to talk nor to do anything, he just looked at me, then to Azrael and the knights behind us.  I signaled them to lower down their swords which they hesitantly did. “Move a way for a bit, we need to talk things out.” I commanded. Azrael wouldn't budge and stood there beside me while Arthur and the other knights moved a few meters back. 

I sighed, knowing there was no convincing Azrael to leave me alone with this stranger. I relented, ensuring he lowered his sword. "I see you're carrying someone. Is he injured?" I asked, trying to reach through the tension.

The man glanced behind him, as if suddenly reminded of the person slung over his back. "Help," he said, his voice now urgent. "I need the Duchess' flame." Both Azrael and I were taken aback, how did this  man know about Clye's most guarded treasure?

"Who are you?" I demanded, my voice firm and unyielding. The man stepped closer, grasping my wrists. Azrael immediately moved to shield me, but the urgency in the man's voice stopped him.

"There's no time. Lead me to the flame, and I'll explain everything," he insisted.

There was something about him that stirred a desire to help, yet my duty as Duchess required caution. "Lead him to the flame, but keep a close watch," I commanded. The knights complied, forming a protective escort as we headed back to the manor. Azrael's disapproval was palpable, but he respected my authority as Duchess.

We arrived at the manor, where Arthur knocked on the wooden doors. Maurice answered, his eyes widening at the scene before him. Ignoring the knights' warnings, he approached the man with familiarity.

"Is that you, Varka?" Maurice asked, his voice cutting through the tense silence. The air grew thick with astonishment as we all realized Maurice recognized the man, despite his concealed features. 

"Sire... you're still alive," the man's voice softened, filled with relief. Maurice quickly examined Varka and then turned his attention to the unconscious man on Varka's back. "What happened?" Maurice asked.

"I need the Duchess' flame. I need to save him," Varka replied urgently. Trusting Maurice implicitly, I didn't ask for explanations and allowed them inside. Maurice wouldn't endanger Clye without reason.

We reached my office where the flame was kept. I instructed Felipe and Elizor to guard the door while Azrael and I retreated to the living room, sinking into a vacant sofa. As I leaned back and closed my eyes, fatigue washed over me. "Do you know that man, Az?" I asked without opening my eyes.

"No, Maurice nor Lena ever mentioned a man named Varka," Azrael replied. With a deep sigh, I tried to sort through the chaos in my mind. The questions about Varka and his need for the flame swirled, but I trusted Maurice to provide answers in due time.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Azrael's voice was now soft and concerned. I shook my head. "Just exhausted," I replied. The weight of the day's events bore down on me, and before I knew it, I drifted off to sleep, my body succumbing to its need for rest. 

♣ ♣ ♣

Varka gently laid the unconscious man on the sofa in Serena's office. "You haven't changed, Varka," Maurice remarked, observing Varka approach the flame. Varka reached out, and as if his hands were aflame, he carefully carried the flame to the unconscious man, removing his blouse to reveal dark veins spreading across his chest.

He began to burn the dark veins with the flame, eliciting agonized screams from the man. "Hang on," Varka whispered repeatedly, his voice steady despite the man's pain. Sweat poured from the unconscious man as Varka methodically eradicated the spreading darkness.

"Will he be alright?" Maurice asked, concern etched on his face.

"He will, I hope. He's been affected by a dark spell, so he'll be out for weeks," Varka replied. The painstaking process took two long hours before the black veins were finally eradicated. The man lay still, his body exhausted but free of the dark curse.

Varka collapsed into a vacant seat as Maurice handed him a glass of water. "It's been so long," Varka said between deep breaths. "I was walking in the woods and sensed the Duchess. I thought Guinevere was back."

Maurice sipped his tea, gazing out the window. "Serena is the new Duchess of Clye," he informed Varka. Varka removed his cloak and mask, revealing his white-streaked hair.

"I never imagined I’d see my home bustling with life again," Varka said softly, his voice tinged with nostalgia as he joined Maurice in admiring the vibrant scene outside the window.

“I, too. I thought this is the end of Clye but she came and made it possible.” Maurice seemed so proud of Serena, on all the things she's done so far. 
“I owe her an explanation, and an apology for the way I acted earlier.” he replied.

“Tell me about what happened.” Maurice changed the topic, Varka let out a deep sigh. He knew that there is no escaping this old man's questions.

“When Lena flee from Gleis, I had no choice but to stay in Gleis and work for the Duke, her husband. He's the only one who knew my identity as well as my abilities. I was the only remaining Clyian who could use offensive spells. I was outnumbered and going back to Clye wasn't an options as it will for sure bring harm to Clye. So I stayed and worked for the Gleis'.” He explained, Maurice felt a pang of pity towards the man he once knew. He couldn't imagine how hard it is for him to stay and work in a foreign land, alone.

“If you work with Gleis then you know Serena?” Maurice asked. “Yes. Since the moment she was born until the moment she died.” Maurice was taken a back about the news, he doesn't know what Varka is talking about.

“Died?” Maurice asked, bewildered.

“Yes. She was proclaimed dead. I even attended the funeral and the wake in Gleis so I was shocked on seeing her alive here.”  Varka replied.  In Maurice's mind, he took a note of the questions he'll ask Rena later. She's got a lot of explaining to do. “I see.” That's the only response he could think of.

“She sure looks a lot like Lena.” Varka said with a sad smile. Memories of Lena flashed through his mind. He acted as Lena's knight when she was still alive.

“She sure does.”

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