15 - Is This Seriously Happening? (Doge)

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Me? A prophecy about me? Like, Doge Master, like that's really meant for me?
"You mean, I'm more than an unchosen?" I ask.
"Yes, exactly! All the pieces are lining up now." Rayvinh says.
"I'm confused," Klicks says. "So Doge is really meant to succeed every mage at this academy, and you're saying someone interfered with the prophecy? And that's what caused the cosmos to go out of wack? Because the prophecy wasn't fulfilled?"
"Yes, although I can't say for sure someone interfered with it, something definitely stopped the sorting ceremony from giving doge his correct guild." Rayvinh explains.
"I see. I mean that would make sense, it explains everything that happened. Also this drawing with the prophecy reeeaaallly looks like Doge."
"What would Doge's correct guild even be- If he's meant to succeed above the angels?" Footletuce asks
"Good question." Rayvinh adds.
"I'm still lost.. I can't comprehend this. Half-sun half-moon? What does that even mean?" I ask.
"That's a great question Doge, if you don't know, we definitely don't know. Now, can we stop asking questions and get to actually solving the case? You know, before we all lose our powers?" Toaster says.
I still can't wrap my finger around this. I want to ask more questions, I want to understand more, but I know the time doesn't call for that. I can't help but wonder though.. did mom and dad know about this? Is that why they wanted me to go to the academy so bad? Are they the sun and moon? Are they my birth parents? I wish you were here with me, mom and dad. I have so many questions... But we only have time for one.
"Yeah, where do we even get started?" I ask.
"I guess we should track down who's in charge of the sorting, if they were the ones who tried to conceal Doge's true potential." Klicks suggests.
"That's a good point. By the way, what happened to Seth? How come he's not here?" I ask.
"Oh him? He got a pretty bad case of strep throat. He's been in bed, miserable, but he probably feels worse now that his magicks are going away. But maybe he hasn't been affected yet, hopefully." Toaster says.
"Shouldn't we like.. help him? Are we just gonna leave him to suffer alone?" I say.
The door creaks open.
"Leave him. I never liked that guy, he's kind of weird you know? Like why does he dress like that.. Does he need to wear those cat ears everywhere? I don't like being seen with him sometimes. I feel like he'll only hinder us in this mission." Alex admits.
"Uhhh..." We all say. We stare at Alex.
"What?" Alex says, confused. "He- He's right behind me.. isn't he..?"
We nod at him.
Seth emerges from the door, glued to a wheelchair. "Alex... I'll pretend you didn't say that. We're under a lot of stress right now, you probably didn't mean it..." He says, voice coarse and scratchy.
"Sorry..." Alex says.
"Seth, how did you find us? How did you even get here? Aren't you sick?" I ask.
"Yeah I-" He coughs out. "Ahem. I heard about what was going on through the announcements. I checked instagram to see what was happening. I figured since Toaster and Klicks hadn't come back they must have been out and about. So naturally, I was worried and checked their locations from the airtag- I mean, from the life360 we have together. I got in a wheelchair and wheeled myself down here." Seth lets out a long hackling cough, like something in his lungs in trying to escape.
"You look pretty bad.. Vwoozi, you healed Alex, can you heal Seth?" Footletuce suggests.
Vwoozi looks around the room, evading the question.
"Well?" Footletuce asks.
"Uhh... I.. I guess I could.. You're a friend.. after all.." She says, hesitantly.
She grasps the top of Seth's head tightly and murmurs a spell begrudgingly, "Hoc non vulc liquid..."
Seth gets up from the wheelchair, jumping around, tail wagging. "I feel great!" He says. "Thank you Vwoozi!!" He says while grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her aggressively.
"🌝" Says Vwoozi.
"Okay, I think we need to get back on track." I say. "Should we go to the library where the sorting takes place?"
"Someone will see us." Wilton states, snarkily, as if it was an obvious flaw to my plan.
"Lucky for you guys, I have just the thing for that.." Footletuce announces.

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