14 - The Prophecy (Wilton)

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      Footletuce, that idiot. 'FilL uS iN' Who does he think he is? Helping DOGE? I never agreed to that!
     "Rayvinh thinks that the reason we're losing our powers is because something created an unbalance in the universe. He's doing more research to see if his theory is correct right now, but we think that if we can find the event that shifted the balance, we can reverse it and restore order." Doge explains.
     "How do we know this is correct, I mean, if we haven't ruled out other theories, should we really be wasting our time doing this?" Footletuce asks.
     "Right now, it seems like the most plausible explanation. It would explain the earthquake and the sudden shift in our energies." Doge says. "We have Toaster, Rayvinh, Vwoozi, Alex, and Klicks working with us right now."
     K-Klicks? Okay, Footletuce, maybe working with Doge wasn't such a bad decision after all. Is this my chance to get close with him?
     Hold on, what is Doge wearing? Isn't that... Klicks' jacket? DID KLICKS GIVE DOGE HIS JACKET?? Okay Wilton, calm down. If you think about it, this is actually a great opportunity. You get to be in close proximity to both Klicks and Doge. You can win Klicks' heart and annihilate      Doge at the same time! Isn't that great?
     "Alright, what should we do?" I ask Toaster and Doge.
     "We're waiting on Rayvinh to come back for now. In the meantime, can you guys get rid of the ants you conjured.." Toaster says.
     "I'm on it!" Footletuce says.
     "Okay good, Wilton, grab anything you might need, we're going to Vwoozi's dorm." —Toaster looks at Doge— "And Doge— You just be Doge."
      Lets see.. If I'm going to seduce Klicks.. What would I need..? Oh I know, My among us shirt. If  he sees me out of uniform and in this bad boy— Oh he'll fall in love for sure. Oh I'm gonna save the world too, I suppose I'll bring my lucky dagger and Bag of holding.
     "Oh?– We're bringing things? Can I bring my cloak of invisibility?" Footletuce asks.
     "Sure whatever— just hurry up. Rayvinh's supposed to come back in 15 minutes."
     "Alright. I'm ready." Footletuce says "Wilton, you good?"
     "Yeah, I'm ready." I say.
     "Alright, I'm guessing you guys don't know where Vwoozi's dorm is, so we're gonna have to teleport there together. Everyone, join hands." Toaster commands. "On the count of three, we'll all say lanuae Magicae."
     "One. Two. Three. Lanuage Magicae!" We say in unison.
     We arrive inside Vwoozi's dorm, and I spot his face. His beautiful hair, pushed back in a hat, perfectly framing his face as always. How can someone be so pretty? He catches me staring and I lower my gaze.
     "Rayvinh? You're back already?" Toaster asks.
     "Yeah, I just got here," He says frantically. "You guys are gonna want to see this." He places a book down on the table in front of us, quickly flipping to a page. He points at a drawing of some sort, "This is a prophecy I found, doesn't this resemble Doge?" He asks.
     "Y-yeah it does.." Toaster says, shocked.
     "But that's not it, It gets weirder," Rayvinh announces. "It says here a mage of great potential, an orphaned boy of half sun and half moon, hidden away, will ascend beyond the angels and guide us to prosperity, born to take down the shadow." —he takes a breath in— "But what I can't figure out is what that means. It doesn't make any sense. Doge, does this sound like you?"
    "I— I don't know.. My parents died.. Half sun half moon makes no sense to me. And there's no way that could be me.. I was sorted as an unchosen."
    "Doge! That's it! The prophecy— it's talking about you! That's why the universe is off balance, because you were sorted as an unchosen. Something or someone is suppressing you."
     This can't be right... Doge? Meant to 'guide us to prosperity'? That doesn't make any sense.. He's.. more than me? What does that make me..?

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