Chapter Eight

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      By the time Stella and I made it back to the building, the gate was closing. I discovered that everyone else had already arrived. Standing, and probably waiting. Most of them looked scattered, mudy and sweaty. A few of them rushed over to Stella and I when they saw us approaching. My hand was wrapped around Stella's waist and the other holding onto her hand that laid around my neck.

      "You guys made it," someone stated.

      "What happened?" another inquired.

      "Her foot was caught up in a foothold trap," I explained. I passed Stella onto a girl who held her tenderly.

      "I noticed there were traps everywhere in the woods. I nearly got shot by a fucking arrow!" McKayla mentioned.

      "Did everyone survive?" I asked, looking around me.

      "Yeah. But Carmel's got few scratches on her arm," McKayla answered. I looked over at Carmel. She was busy inspecting her injured arm. "Wolf's claws," McKayla proceeded, "Looks terrible but she's gonna survive."

      "Well I'm glad we all made—"

      I was cut off by the sudden sound of Sam's voice coming from God knows where. "I'm surprised ladies, that you all made it back in one piece."

      "What were the traps for Sam?!" McKayla yelled out. "It almost got us killed!"

      I thought I heard a sigh before he gave a reply. "You all are eventually going to die. Well, nineteen of you will."

      "This is sick!" McKayla spat out.

      "Do I have to remind you again why you're here?"

      "Of course to die over two million grand, we know that," McKayla responded sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

      Sam ignored her remark. "Alright ladies, we have come to the end of your test. Kindly retreat to your room. Tomorrow, we shall dive right into the main purpose of your arrival. Goodnight ladies."

      Silence enveloped. And it didn't take McKayla few seconds to break it. "What about the injured? Is he just gonna ignore the fact that they're wounded?"

      "Yo! Sam!" Rochelle called out. "We've got wounded people among us here in case you haven't noticed." There was a complete silence. "Is he ignoring us?"

      "Come on. We should all head inside," McKayla mentioned.


      I sat on my bunk bed inspecting my bloody knees. I winced at the slight touch I made. I should get the blood out. I rummage inside my duffle bag for a piece of cloth.

      "Let me help you with that." I look up from my bag to see Mia standing in front of me holding some sort of a small tool box. "I've got disinfectant and stuff. You don't want that to get infected, right?"

      "I think Stella and Carmel would really need your help and not me." I continue to rummage in my bag.

      She chuckled. "You seem like a one tough cookie."

      "Oh yeah?"

      "Oh yeah."

      I look up at her smiling face and for some reason that made me smile. "Stella and Carmel are doing fine now," she stated. "I already helped them with their wounds so they're good. Are you gonna let me help you or what?"

      I scoffed, shaking my head.

      "What?" she asked.

      I tossed my duffel bag aside. "I never thought you could be this . . ."

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