40 Eternal agony

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(Hongjoong's story pov)

~ Back in 1652

As we sat on the porch, the night enveloping us in its dark embrace, I looked into Sujin's eyes. Her delicate features were highlighted by the soft glow of the moon, casting an ethereal aura around her. Taking a deep breath, I mustered the courage to express my deepest desires.
"Sujin," I began, my voice barely above a whisper, "if I find the treasure, I promise I'll build us a magnificent house. One that would rival the heavens themselves"
Sujin regarded me skeptically, her brows furrowing slightly. "Hongjoong, are you sure about this? The treasure may be nothing more than a legend. We shouldn't get caught up in dreams"
I reached out to caress her cheek, my voice unwavering. "I understand your doubts, I do. But isn't life just a series of dreams waiting to be realized? And if I don't chase after this opportunity, I'll forever regret not trying"
She sighed softly, her voice filled with both uncertainty and longing. "I suppose... it's just that I worry. What if it consumes you? What if we lose everything?"
I held her hand, feeling the warmth comforting me even as doubt lingered in her touch. "I promise, Sujin, that no matter what happens, we'll face it together. We'll weather the storms and bask in the sunlight. It won't be easy, but if we're together, I can do everything"
Her eyes shimmered with tears, reflecting the glimmer of hope within her. "This will make an immense difference for my family. I hope it paves the way for a better life for them. Thank you, Hongjoong"

I couldn't help but smile, content to be in this moment with her.


But then, one fateful day, everything shifted. I had already endured my fair share of harrowing encounters with Yunho, but little did I know, this would be the day that sealed my fate.

As the thick fog enveloped my boat, I squinted my eyes, trying to make out the ominous shape emerging from the mist. A black boat glided towards us, its silhouette cutting through the eerie silence. Abandoning the helm, my hand instinctively tightened around the hilt of my sword.

"Guys, prepare for attack!" I bellowed, my voice echoing across the deck. The crew sprang into action, arming themselves with weapons and taking their positions. We couldn't afford to let our guard down—our lives depended on it.

"Hwaseong, be on the lookout!" I commanded, staring ahead as Yunho's boat drew nearer. I couldn't shake off the feeling of foreboding that wrapped around me like a suffocating shroud. It was as if we were walking into the jaws of death.
"Yes, captain," Hwaseong responded with a determined expression, his eyes scanning the horizon, ever vigilant.
I watched in tense silence as Yunho's boat finally docked alongside ours. As he stepped onto our deck, a twisted smile graced his lips. "Well, well, Hongjoong. It seems fate has brought us together again"
"And yet again, Yunho, fate will determine the victor" I retorted, my grip on my sword tightening even further.

Yunho walked in circles, swinging his sword effortlessly as if it was a mere extension of his arm. "You already know what I want. Let's not make this difficult for everyone" He taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance.
My heart pounded in my chest as I squared my shoulders, ready to protect what was rightfully mine. "You really think I'm going to give her to you?" I countered, my voice filled with determination.

"I don't think you will have a choice" He declared, seizing one of my crewmates and swiftly slitting his throat. My eyes filled with terror as I witnessed the lifeless body collapse onto the deck.

The rain began to pour, its heavy drops blending with the distant rumble of thunder, as if nature itself was reflecting the bloodshed. The crimson trail of my fallen comrade seemed to lead directly to me. I'm not letting this monster win, never.

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