39 That's a big boat

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"Hongjoong?" I rose from the sand, scanning my surroundings with a mix of confusion and worry. Surely he couldn't have wandered off too far, depending on how long I had dozed off. I don't know.

I walked into the forest once more, looking for him. "Hongjoong!?"

As I passed a massive tree, there he was, engaged in conversation with a young boy I had never seen before. A wave of relief washed over me, and I greeted the boy with a friendly hand gesture. "Oh, hey kid," I turned back to Hongjoong with a little smile. "What's going on, Hongjoong?"

The boy huffed, his demeanor brimming with attitude. "I'm not a kid, lady"

Hongjoong turned towards me, his voice lowered in a careful whisper. "Clearly, he's not a kid. He's a thousand-year-old vampire"

I gasped. "My bad!"

I glanced at the kid, then shifted my attention to Hongjoong. Leaning in, I couldn't help but whisper, "What is he doing here?"

"I've come to assist you, but it appears your intellect is lacking" The kid snapped, narrowing his eyes.

I mirrored his expression. "Look, I'm sorry bro, I haven't had much sleep and I'm hungry as hell" I replied with a touch of sass.

"Bro? Am I your bro?" The kid stepped closer, ready to confront me, but Hongjoong swiftly intervened, positioning himself between us.

"Apologies, she's new to the vampire world. Please, forgive her this time" Hongjoong pleaded.

"Alright, I'll let it slide. For now" He replied, giving me the most intense side-eye I had ever witnessed. Impressive.

The kid took the lead, instructing us to follow. Hongjoong turned to me, struggling to suppress a laugh. However, as soon as the young vampire glanced back at us, we quickly composed ourselves, adopting serious expressions.

"Let's pick up the pace, I do not have all day" He demanded. We both nodded.

We finally stopped by the edge of the ocean. I furrowed my brows, more confused than ever. Okay... What now?

The kid pivoted towards us, snapping his fingers with a sense of certainty. I glanced at Hongjoong, who nodded in response, seemingly aware of what was about to unfold. I am quite lost right now.

Suddenly, the sound of the ocean's waves grew louder, drawing my attention. Squinting my eyes, I strained to see what lay ahead. In the distance, a colossal boat emerged, defying belief. My mind struggled to process the sight before me.

The boat was immense, steadily making its way towards us. Hongjoong, standing by my side, paused and a radiant smile spread across his face, illuminated by the warm golden rays of the sun. "My Sunrise" He whispered softly.

It's Hongjoong's old boat! But how can this be real? The kid vampire appeared beside me, his hands casually tucked behind his back. "You have the chance to return home using this boat. Hurry, or the illusion will fade away" He cautioned.

The ghostly aura of the boat vanished, replaced by vivid reality. The boat stood proudly before us, its grandeur evident in every detail. My gaze lingered upon its magnificent flags, billowing gracefully in the breeze.

Turning to address the young vampire, I began to speak, but to my surprise, he had vanished into thin air, leaving no trace behind.

Taking a deep breath, I braced myself, but before I could gather my thoughts, Hongjoong grabbed my hand and hurriedly led me towards the boat. As we approached the vessel, a sense of awe washed over me, making me feel incredibly small in comparison. Confusion filled my gaze as Hongjoong placed my hands on a rope, his smile offering no explanation. "Hold tight"

With a firm grip on another rope, he pulled, causing me to ascend, and soon enough, I found myself onboard the boat, my eyes wide with excitement. Hongjoong joined me moments later, making a steady entrance.

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