Fighter #13 - Peach

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Back to making Smash headcanons! My main focus right now is to finish all of these up, so I'll try to post them as consistently as I can. Thank you for your support!

Also, for clarification, whenever "the kingdoms" are mentioned, I'm referring to the kingdoms from Super Mario Odyssey.

- She frequently has to clean spores off of her dress from how often Toad is around her.

- Toad releases spores whenever he gets startled, so Wolf and Dark Pit make it their mission to scare him every day just to annoy Peach.

- Gardening helps Peach relieve stress. Whenever she's feeling overwhelmed, going outside and tending to the plants always makes her feel better. She even has her own vegetable garden in the courtyard. Out of all the veggies she tends to, turnips are her favorite.

- Peach has been on the cover of numerous fashion magazines throughout all of the kingdoms. One of these days, Bayonetta hopes to accompany her on her modeling endeavors.

- Her parasol is reinforced with sturdy toadstool caps to prevent it from blowing backwards or flying out of her hands. Poor Peach went through a lot of trial, error, and lost parasols before finally coming up with this solution.

- Peach is a very skilled dancer. Her amazing balance, flexibility, and endurance shines through whenever she's tearing up the dance floor. She leaps with grace, waltzes with elegance, and breakdances with style. No matter who her audience is, Peach never fails to impress with her spectacular moves.

- Peach's playlist is an amalgamation of upbeat girly pop, spunky punk rap, and hardcore thrash metal.

- Some fighters get extremely annoyed with Peach during matches. Sometimes, her taunts are incredibly infuriating.

- Anyone and everyone is welcome to join her for an afternoon cup of tea. Depending on who it is, she'll also bake them their favorite sweet treat. If Peach doesn't know this information, or they simply don't have a favorite, she'll default to her signature strawberry shortcake.

- Bayonetta always teases Peach about her relationship with Mario. While she constantly insists that she and Mario are just friends, the Umbra Witch refuses to believe it. It doesn't help that literally all of the DLC fighters thought Peach and Mario were a couple upon arrival.

- Whenever the Mario fighters play tennis or golf, Toad makes it his mission to beat Bowser. He doesn't care where he is on the leaderboard, as long as he's above his sworn enemy. It's his way of getting revenge for his beloved princess, but all his attempts fail miserably, and he only makes himself look like a fool. Even Bowser himself is starting to feel sorry for the guy.

- When it's that time of the month for Peach, she becomes irritable and bitter, which is a stark contrast to her usual sweet and forgiving personality. Unless she asks for a favor or strikes up a conversation first, all of the fighters know to give her some space until the week passes.

- Peach is always on her guard. Considering how many times she's been kidnapped, she's unknowingly become more paranoid over the years (and rightfully so). Like Samus, if something startles or surprises her, her first instinct is to fight, and her hands will curl up into fists. Unlike Samus, however, she'll take a quick second to evaluate whether or not something is actually a threat before she does anything.

- Peach has incredible strength when it comes to punting things. Whether it be a soccer ball or a Bob-omb that she pulled from the ground by mistake, she'll kick it far and high enough to make you think that Team Rocket's blasting off again.

- Peach is like a mother figure to the younger fighters, including the Koopalings. She's sweet and gentle with them, but if they misbehave, they're going to get scolded. And if anyone tries to mess with them, she'll protect them like a lioness would protect her cubs.

- Everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom is a big fan of the Squid Sisters, so Peach will buy tickets from the Inklings and take the Toads to see them in concert. The Toads love Callie, but Marie is Peach's favorite.

- Peach received her car, Birthday Girl, from the Toads for her sixteenth birthday. It was her first vehicle, and she still has it to this day.

- Peach has been best friends with Daisy since childhood. When they were younger, they used to do everything together. As they grew up, they still kept in touch, but didn't get to see each other as often due to how busy they were with royal duties. Despite this, they still have a close-knit relationship.

- Every weekend, Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina go out for a girls' night. They don't care what they do, just as long as they get to spend time with each other and away from the mansion. Sometimes, Pauline will join them.

- Every so often, Pauline will invite the princesses to galas in New Donk City, which they always accept and attend in style.

- When she first met Pauline, Peach thought she was related to Mario. Something about the red attire, dark hair, and blue eyes made her think they were cousins or something.

- Peach taught Rosalina everything she knows about Earth customs and social interactions. Considering she lived most of her life in space, she was largely unfamiliar with anything or anyone beyond stars, galaxies, and Lumas. In fact, Peach is the only reason Rosalina knows how to play golf.

- She frequently accompanies Isabelle on strolls outside to collect flowers and admire butterflies. Considering how much she loves nature, Peach will often bring her souvenirs from her trips to other kingdoms (mushrooms from the Mushroom Kingdom, plants from the Wooden Kingdom, seashells from the Seaside Kingdom, etc).

- Back home in the Mushroom Kingdom, Peach loves going outside and feeding the doves in the morning. On Smash Mansion grounds, however, there are no doves to be found. So, to keep up with her morning routine, she'll go outside and just sit out there until a bird of any kind finally flies by. Unfortunately for her, the birds in the Light Realm don't really care for the birdseed she brings along, so her generosity is often ignored.

- In addition to vegetables, Peach also grows Fire Flowers for battle use.

- Peach's favorite tea is white tea with plenty of honey, garnished with a white orchid. She finds it pairs well with a lot of the desserts she enjoys making, and the orchid just adds an elegant finishing touch to the beverage.

- If fighters are feeling sick, she'll make them little care packages with all of their favorite things inside.

- Unlike Toad (or even Mario, at times), Peach forgives Bowser for most of his misdeeds and has actually begun to develop a better relationship with him. The Koopa King really hopes this is a sign of progress.

- Fighters are divided over who they want Peach to end up with. Some, like King Dedede and Meta Knight, think she's better off with Bowser, while others, like Pyra and Mythra, think that she and Mario would make a better couple.

- Meanwhile, Samus and Jigglypuff stay out of the fray, firm in their belief that the princess should just be left alone.

- During matches, Peach will always cheer on fighters by making small rainbows for them above her head. She's always believed that rainbows were a sign of good luck and triumph through difficult times, so displaying those vibrant, magical colors is her way of showing support.

- She refuses to let Toad eat beans of any kind. If he ingests them, he won't be able to stop farting for hours. His farts are silent but deadly, causing whoever's nearby to face a smelly fate. Once, he even made Sheik faint from how bad the smell was.

- She has the subconscious habit of constantly fixing her bangs. Even if every hair is perfectly in place, she'll still reach up and adjust it out of habit.

- During the warmer months, Peach frequently has problems with Duck Hunt digging up her vegetables. Villager has tried to keep this under control, but he's not very good at it.

- Peach is the head of the party planning committee and oversees all operations pertaining to celebrations. She is a watchful leader and always keeps everyone on task whilst doing her share of the work.

- Her favorite song from the Smash soundtrack is Ground Theme - Super Mario Bros (Melee). It brings her a lot of nostalgia from back in the Melee days, when she first joined Smash.

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