Chapter 17 - Planning and investigating.

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"Hey Hirata, can you gather the class over here for me?" I asked.

I had just gotten back from claiming both spots and now needed to explain to the class what they will be doing. Hirata led the class through the clearing and they all sat down, waiting for me to speak.

"I've claimed two spots already, one is on the river, the other is an area below a cliff. We will be splitting the twenty person tents, and two bathrooms, among both camps. The class will be split into groups of twenty people, every morning the cliff group will report to the river camp for role call and the groups will switch camps." I started.

"Why are we splitting into two groups?" Horikita asked.

"To better hide my identity as leader, just as in the mornings, at night the cliff group will report to river camp and will once again switch camps. Having groups of twenty constantly switching will make it difficult for other classes." I explained.

"What do you mean when you say switch camps?" Matsuhita asked.

"Lets say there are two groups. Group A and Group B, there are also two camps, Camp A and Camp B. Camp A will be the river and B the cliff, Group A is at Camp A and B at Camp B. In the mornings Group B will leave Camp B and report to Camp A for role call, after role call Group B will stay at Camp A and Group A will go to Camp B. It's the same for at night." I explained.

"Ohhh, I get it!" She exclaimed.

Thank you Matsuhita, she understood what I meant but others didn't so she asked anyways.

"This strategy will give us an extra 42 Points, other things I'll be doing will get us a lot more Points." I told them.

"Don't the spots expire every 8 hours?" Onodera asked.

"Yes, because of that, I along with 3 other students from my group will be going to reclaim them. Without being close to the station you won't be able to see the time when they were claimed so it won't matter." I explained.

"How are we splitting the groups!?" Ike pervertedly asked.

A couple girls got visibly anxious over this question, especially when Ike was the one asking.

"I'll let Karuizawa and Kushida decide that, I'm going to go search the island. It has to be 10 boys and 10 girls per group, just have it figured out by the time I get back." I answered.

I saw those same girls who were anxious ease into relief.

I need to head towards the cave now, it's still only the first day so catching classes in the middle of claiming a spot is very plausible. The cave should be only a mile or so from the cliff spot, I'll need to run.

"Good luck everyone, don't get into arguments." I said while starting to run towards where the cave should be.

Dodging trees and ducking under bushed I started wondering something, who exactly do I think will be at the cave, if anyone at all. My first thought would be Ryueen but I don't think he's going to try and play this exam 'fairly'. Another person could be Ichinose, she's capable enough to have seen it from the cruise but knowing her and her class they're most likely going to try and treat this like a vacation, most likely location is a beach.

This leaves just Class-A, I still have little information on the actual leaders of the class. Ethan is more than competent enough to comfortably lead that class and do it well but he cares more about Pokemon. From what I know the class is split into two.

One has been called the 'Sakayanagi faction'. Like the name says it's the followers of Sakayanagi, like I've said before she is a very intelligent and cunning person and a very talented trainer. These followers, from what I've heard, are completely devoted to her. Due to her disability however she cannot be leading her class this exam.

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