Introducing Carina

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A/N: Here's a picture of how I imagine Carina to look. Obviously, she's a puppy, but I couldn't find any pictures like this, but as a puppy. She can grow up to be the size of the wolves from twilight basically. (If you never watched then they're like 6-7 feet tall wolves standing on all fours) Also just to say if no one really knows they produce fire as a hellhound. Instead of hers being a regular orange fire it's going to be hell fire which is blue.



"Death Speak"

'Mind link'

It was soon the next day. Me and Carina spent most of the night playing so we slept in a little bit. Luckily it was the weekend, so I didn't have to worry about getting up early for classes. I decided to put on a black anime hoodie and some sweatpants

I started to head into the common rooms with Carina trailing behind me

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I started to head into the common rooms with Carina trailing behind me. I really wanted to show her to Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and the rest of my mates. It was 12 when I had sat down and cast a tempus to see the time. I wasn't too sure where my friends that are in my year are at, but I could just summon Tom and Lucius with our mate bond. Although it isn't fully formed it's still there and we're able to connect to each other since we've accepted each other and plus I'm not of age yet.

I hear people coming in from the hallway that leads to the portrait and see exactly the people I'm looking for. I start to run up to them bouncing up and down as I go with Carina in my arms. "Guys, look at her!" I said as I shoved her into Draco's face.

It didn't take that very well as he screamed and fainted. I looked down at his body on the floor and burst out laughing, supporting myself on the wall to keep from falling. I looked up at Lucius to see him making a "really" face at me. "What? Come on, it was hilarious! Even Tom is having a hard time keeping a straight face." I said while laughing.

"Where'd you even get the hellhound from anyways?" Tom asked.

"Well don't get mad, but I went to the Underworld looking for Adonis yesterday and I saw him in his creature room in the castle. He introduced me to her, and he let me have her and we bonded."

"I wanted to explore some more, but he said it was dark out and that it was too dangerous, so I'll have to wait for another day."

They all nodded their heads. "Can I try and hold her?" Pansy asked.

"Yea sure! I haven't really brought her around anyone else, so I don't know how she'll react."

I handed Carina over to Pansy and both them and Blaise soon entered their own little world. Lucius had made Draco conscious again and explained everything to him. All 3 of them scolded me for going to the Underworld alone.

"Don't do that again, Love. Even if it is technically your domain, you never know what lurks around the corner." Lucius says.

"I know. Adonis told me the same thing and said that if I wanted to go, I'd have to let him know so that he can be with me at all times."

"Good. I don't need my little cousin getting hurt!"

"Hey! You're only 1 month older!"

"Technically... according to my calculations it's 56 days in counting."


I soon started to chase after him and could hear my mates laughing in the background.

"I swear they argue like they're twins over how much older or younger the other is." I hear Lucius chuckle in the background.

Reborn in the Shadowsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें