Home with Sirius

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As soon as I came to, I was in a living room being held by James until all of a sudden, I heard a boom

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As soon as I came to, I was in a living room being held by James until all of a sudden, I heard a boom. "Lily, take Lyra and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off!" he screamed as he passed me into my mother's arms and ran into the entrance room.

As Lily ran up the stairs with me in her arms you could hear the spells going off in the background. She was crying but was trying to be brave for me. That I could tell. As we made it to the room, she put me in the crib and barricaded the door with anything she could find. Once she was done, she started talking to me. "Look Lyra just know that mommy and daddy will always love you no matter what even if we won't be able to be with you for the rest of your life. Giving birth to you was the best thing that ever happened to me so please don't grow up thinking that me and your father dying was ever your fault. We died for you not because of you. I love you." she said as she kissed the top of my head. Little did she know that I understood every bit of thing that came out of her mouth.

Afterwards she just sat there putting up wards as extra caution and then using blood magic to do a ritual with lady magic to make sure I survive...a life for a life. Once she was finished, we could faintly hear someone yell Avada Kedavra. She started to cry anymore because deep down she knew what that meant even if she didn't want it to. Everything was quiet besides her sniffles and the sounds of someone coming up the stairs to the nursery. Next thing I know is that the person blasted through the wards and the barrier with little to no trouble at all. Next thing I see almost shocks me. I literally almost fainted. Instead of seeing Voldy Moldy I see Dumblewhore. So that kind of set me off. "Stand aside my girl...stand aside now." He said while smiling.

As soon as he entered the room my mother went and ran in front of me to try and protect me in some way. "Not Lyra, please no, take me, kill me instead!" my mother screamed in desperation.

"Not Lyra! Please! Have mercy! Have mercy!" she begged.

"Lily my girl, it's for the greater good. I can't have your child defeat me. I have plans for the future."

Once he said that he shot the killing curse at my mother. He then started to walk towards me. All I could do at the moment was glare at him with tears in my eyes. He looked at me surprised with how menacing my glowing Avada Kedavra green eyes were with only being a baby. He slowly started walking towards me while pointing his wand. "Don't worry my girl, your death will not be in vain." he said.

As soon as he said that he shot the curse at me. It rebounded but it sure hurt like hell. As soon as it rebounded Pettigrew walked into the room. Dumbledore used him as a way to save his own life and lived. It hit him straight in the chest and he fell to the ground dead. Once that was over Dumbledore fled from the house with Peter's body. I started crying out of pain and sadness from the loss of my newfound family. A couple of minutes later Sirius ran into the room with tears running down his face. "Pafoo!" I cried while reaching my arms up asking to be picked up.

"Bambi..." he said with a sigh of relief and sadness that I was alive but his best friend and brother in all, but blood was killed.

I cried in his arms while clutching his clothes not wanting to let go. He sat on the floor and cried with me cradled in his arms while rocking back and forth. I was soon fast asleep, until I heard heavy footsteps walking into the room. It was Hagrid.

"Aye Sirius, I'm sorry for the loss. Can you please give me young Lyra. I must deliver her to Dumbledore. His orders." he said slowly.

Sirius looked as though he was about to kill Hagrid because of what he had just said. "I WILL NOT GIVE YOU, MY GOD DAUGHTER. SHE IS MINES BY BLOOD AND BY RIGHT!" he screamed at Hagrid.

I started crying because I did not want him to leave me as I just got him and if he gave me up, I would not see him for another 12 years and I would have to go to the stinky, magic hating Dursley's. "No go, Pafoo! No go!" I screamed while gripping his clothes.

"Don't worry Bambi, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." he said with a smile.

He soon turned to Hagrid and looked at him with the infamous Black glare. "You're completely mad if you think that I'll just hand her to you. Now if you don't mind, I will be taking my daughter with me back to Black Manor where she will live with me until she is ready to leave." Sirius said in a deadly calm voice.

I smiled at this moment because I would be with someone who would care for me and teach me about the magical community that I would be in and would not abuse or hurt me because of who and what my parents are. I can't wait for what my life ahead of me will look like. And don't you worry Albus Dumbledore. You will come to regret the day you set foot into Godric's Hollow.

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