The Strongest (Part 3: Family Matters Arc)

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"Sukuna's vessel, Yuji Itadori, is dead, Yuta Okkotsu is no longer to be executed. Why do you protest against Y/N Shimura's execution? He is an anomaly within his own bloodline, surely you see why we want him dead."

"To be honest, I don't see why he should be executed at all. It makes no sense to me." The room was completely black apart from the five screens that covered the bodies of the higher ups, leaving only their silhouettes visible in the small candlelight of the room.

"Once he has finished at Jujutsu High, Y/N Shimura is to be executed. There will be no other outcome, the boy could easily turn against us because of what we ordered on the rest of his family."

Gojo kept a straight face "That won't happen, you all know that anyway. The kid is too kindhearted to do anything that could leave lasting consequences for anyone he cares for."

"He will be executed, that is the final outcome and there is no changing it."

Gojo turned to leave the room "If you say so but it won't take long for him to surpass all of you. What will you do then?"

Gojo, had grown to like Y/N in the moths he had known him. The new generation of sorcerers is one that Gojo knew would produce someone either on equal terms with him as the strongest or someone who would surpass him and take the title of the strongest. He was reminded of his school days, back when he enjoyed missions with his equal, his one and only best friend. Only a month after Y/N first joined, Gojo was reminded of himself and his best friend when he looked at Y/N and Yuta. Though neither of them were as self centred as he was at their age. Gojo had also found himself sympathising with Y/N, being able to understand what it was like being the only one left in a clan, actively making an effort to let Y/N experience even a small semblance of childhood that he had lacked not even a year ago. In fact, when Gojo had compared himself to an older brother figure, he was internally happy that Y/N didn't deny that part of the statement. Soon enough, he would have an equal again and being a sorcerer would be fun once more, just like it was when he was younger.

There was just a small problem with Y/N Shimura, that being his mother. Gojo had encountered her once, when he was a lot younger, it would've been the year after Riko Amanai was killed. The same day Yuji Tsukumo had visited, so had another special grade sorcerer. She had come to meet him to have a simple conversation nothing more, nothing less. That was one of the only times Gojo could say he was nervous since discovering how to use reverse technique. She was an expert in instilling fear, that much was true and Gojo wasn't sure he could beat her if they both fought at full strength. The thing that still made him slightly uncomfortable was how she had introduced herself, it was as though she was trying to subtly tell him he couldn't fight back against her. Safe to say that he didn't dare attempt to fight back, although if he were to see her now, he would definitely fight back.

It was a warm summer day and Gojo had found himself returning from a mission to report back to Yaga. As soon as he slid the door open, his body froze as it was forced to acknowledge the immense cursed energy in the room "So this is the Gojo clan's prodigy?"

The cold voice would stick in his mind for years to come. He looked over to where the voice was coming from to see, admittedly a rather beautiful, red haired woman. Her cold eyes were odd, just like his own, but they appeared more emotionless than any other eyes he had ever seen "Yes, this is Satoru Gojo, Miss Makima." She stood up from the desk she had found herself resting on and walked over to the white haired teenager. As she got closer, Gojo watched her coat her hand with cursed energy and move it towards his shoulder.

He was momentarily relieved as she wouldn't be able to touch him thanks to his infinity. That relief didn't last long as he felt her hand make direct contact with his shoulder "It's nice to finally meet you, Satoru Gojo. I wanted to see if what the higher ups were saying about you held any truth."

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