Slaughterhouse (Part 2: Childhood's End Arc)

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It had been a week since Y/N's Mother had visited and in that short amount of time he had been able to use a weak version of his family technique, using his hand laid out flat to change the properties of the cursed energy he had gathered. Of course, a minuscule amount of the family could actually witness this achievement, their only tie to the jujutsu world being the knowledge of its existence and the family name. Except for that, they were practically just normal people living relatively normal lives. Those in the family who could even see cursed energy were incredibly impressed at Y/N's growth in such a short span of time but still advised the child not to overwork himself and tire himself out. Those words were wasted on the boy, he was dead set on mastering the technique within the month so he could surprise his Mother.

If that didn't make her heart swell with pride then nothing would and if it came to that he would put the rest of the effort within him to fight for her approval. Even if it meant actually fighting his Mother, no matter how emotionless she had become she couldn't kill her own son and Y/N knew that with 100% certainty. What Y/N had learnt was that his family technique wasn't as complicated as the scrolls had made it appear. Rather than condense his cursed energy, Y/N had just changed its shape. It worked in a similar way to how you would normally imbue a weapon or body part, or at least that was its inferior form. Since Y/N wasn't condensing a larger amount of cursed energy into a smaller space, the attacks he could create weren't as strong as his Mother's were and they wouldn't ever reach her level. Not until he learned how to condense cursed energy into smaller spaces.

Any other family learning of the Shimura family technique would probably maintain the belief that it was an innately weak technique to match how weak the family itself was within the jujutsu world. What they would never find out is that the technique has several levels to it. While the ability to manipulate cursed energy was something every sorcerer possessed, what set the Shimura family technique apart was the extent of control over said cursed energy. The technique, in its purest form could create the strongest jujutsu sorcerer of the present day. At the peak of the technique is the ability to manipulate not only the user's own cursed energy, but also the energy of any other sorcerer visible. This gives the sorcerer the ability to destroy almost any technique sent their way.

However, this level of control had only been reached by one person in the family's history, that being Y/N's own Mother. She was the outlier in a family of weaklings and it was obvious to anyone that even knew of her relation to the Shimura family. Once she gained this level of control, she saw it best to fake her death to the world with only those closest to her knowing she remained alive. Afterwards she had abandoned her old name to destroy any ties she still had to the family. Y/N's grandparents died thinking their daughter was dead too and they never got to say goodbye to her. Y/N hated having to pretend that his Mother was his father's new wife, she wasn't and no one else knew that. It was made easier due to the fact that her appearance had changed since she 'died' her eyes becoming how they were now and her hair returning to its natural blood red colour.

The death of her emotions also helped disguise her as a new person. Y/N's Mother used to be a kind and caring woman who would go on of her way to help anyone, often being home hours after she had finished working because she had gotten caught up helping normal people on her way back home. That was the Mother Y/N remembered so fondly, the one we wasn't afraid to feel anything. The one who wasn't around anymore.

Y/N had stayed up late training again with nothing else to do, he wasn't allowed in public schools because the family needed to keep him close at all times and he couldn't go out with his friends because he had none. Y/N had no real connection to anyone outside of his family and that would likely remain the case until he was significantly older. As these thoughts crossed his mind his eyes were fixed on the moon, partially obscured by the clouds and the still falling snow. The night sky was almost as beautiful as it was in the daylight but it felt slightly more sinister at night. Curses seemingly gained more confidence at night and while they weren't much of an issue, they remained an issue nonetheless.

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