Broken Vow (Part 4: Childhood's End Arc)

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The fight had already taken a lot of energy out of Y/N but it only tired him more when the spirit continued to get faster despite Y/N's best efforts to outmatch it. He wondered what grade it could potentially be because by no means was Y/N weak without cursed energy. Y/N was at a great level of fitness and strength due to all the training he did at the Shimura estate when he was younger, that training having continued albeit less frequently as he has grown. Y/N was just not at the same level as this spirit at the current moment. Maybe if Y/N had gone all out from the start the fight would already be over but as Y/N blocked hit after hit from the spirit, he realised that thinking on how the fight could've been going is completely pointless. All he could do now was go all out for as long as his body would allow it. Y/N did notice small things about the spirit that allowed him to begin forming a plan to fight back effectively. The spirit would wait about a second after landing a hit to make contact with a follow up, leaving a small gap for Y/N to react with a counter. A kick flew towards Y/N's head and he managed to block it just in time before swinging his elbow downwards into the spirit's knee, catching it off guard. He followed this with a leg sweep, sending the spirit to the ground, disoriented. Once it was truly confused the fight could truly begin.

Y/N quickly followed up his kick with another, his heel making contact with the spirit's chest. Once landing back on the ground Y/N began a devastating combination of punches, further distracting the cursed spirit with the sudden improvement in Y/N's physical capabilities. As these punches were thrown it appeared as though Y/N had entered a flow state, any counter the spirit threw at him was blocked and then the spirit was hit by another blow. Y/N had pushed the spirit back against a pillar, keeping it there with his onslaught so it had an even smaller chance to counter effectively than before. While in this state Y/N couldn't feel the injuries he had sustained earlier in the battle, nor could he feel the damage he was doing to himself due to the force he was placing behind each blow. It looked as though the spirit was near defeat but Y/N knew that wasn't the case. A spirit can't be destroyed by normal means of combat, it had to be killed with cursed energy or something to that standard. Y/N couldn't truly defeat this spirit unless he used cursed energy but that was something he was completely unwilling to do. Y/N was stuck in thought and because of this, the spirit found enough time to react. The pillar it was backed up against was broken and swiftly after it was thrown at Y/N, who only just managed to cover his head before pillar hit him and sent him crashing against a wall.

Y/N was immediately pulled out of his flow state and felt all the injuries his body had sustained throughout the battle. All the pain washed over him as he gritted his teeth and tried not to cry out in pain, he couldn't risk a normal person being inside the building. Y/N watched as the spirit pulled another part of the pillar out from the floor and prepared to throw it towards him as he remained grounded from the impact of the previous hit. There was no way for Y/N to win the fight, not without going completely against the vow he made to honour his family legacy... but how could he continue to honour his legacy if he was dead. If Y/N died, his family legacy died alongside him and he couldn't stand that thought. He had to live on and honour his family. Not only that, he had to live on to spite his Mother too. She had wanted him dead, who was he to do anything she had wanted of him.

"Hey Dad, do you think I could ever be stronger than mom?"

The boy's father laughed and ruffled his hair "It's good to know that you're aiming high already, son. I believe you can be as strong as you want to be if you really put your mind to it. Do you want to be stronger than your mom?" The boy nodded feverishly, only making his father laugh more "And why would that be, my boy?" The boy looked up at his father and smiled shyly.

"So I can protect you since you got hurt. I don't want mom to feel the pressure of everyone else relying on her so I'll let you all rely on me instead!" The boy looked at the setting sun as he and his father sat against his workshop door.

Control (Jujutsu Kaisen x Male reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें