Techniques (Part 6: Childhood's End Arc)

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Y/N had found out quite quickly that being stuck in a mass graveyard inside your own head wasn't fun at all. It was quite the opposite of fun actually. Y/N didn't have much to do except deepen his understanding of everything he already knew and hopefully regain the control he had over his cursed energy six years ago. First though, he needed to confirm whether he could use cursed energy inside his own mind. If he couldn't then Y/N would just have to cope until he woke up. If he could then he would spend the rest of his time there training himself. As soon as Y/N held out his fist he could feel the cursed energy in his body flow towards it. That confirmed it, Y/N could use cursed energy here. Y/N had a fundamental understanding as to how the family technique worked but that wasn't good enough. He needed to get a full understanding of it to progress further as a sorcerer. 

The family technique, as he already knew, was at its heart the complete control over cursed energy. This gave it the potential of being the strongest cursed technique if it was used right. Y/N had only ever considered it as being complete control over his own cursed energy but now he found his mind wandering. Could he control another's cursed energy? An example that came to mind was if someone like Yuta imbued their weapon with cursed energy, could Y/N destroy the cursed energy being used? He couldn't test that while in his domain as he was still unconscious but he could test the extent as to whim he was currently ablaze to manipulate cursed energy. Y/N was already able to condense cursed energy to some extent but he'd need to get better at keeping the energy condensed without having to focus as much of his brainpower on it, allowing him to fight more effectively while condensing his energy. Hopefully this would result in Y/N finally being able to come up with more sub-techniques within that of just his control technique.

Y/N held up one hand, the typical finger gun gesture present, as he started condensing his energy. Cursed energy, to Y/N, was kind of like water in this situation. Imbuing cursed energy into something is like filling up a bottle with water but trying to fit a large amount of water into a smaller bottle was impossible. Y/N, in essence, needed to break the rules of what was conventionally accepted in order to truly use his technique. So Y/N would need to change how he viewed cursed energy to make this possible. Wind blew in the domain as the crosses remained still, surrounding Y/N "It's more like a piece of paper... I think. Yeah, like scrunching up a piece of paper into a smaller form than in was before but more extreme." Y/N continued gathering cursed energy until it was the size of a basketball at his fingertips. Then he attempted to make it smaller and, just as he had thought, it slowly began working. Y/N got the cursed energy condensed to the size of a tennis ball before he released the cursed energy, becoming too tired to keep his concentration. Now he could confidently say that he understood his technique a lot better. It was then that Y/N's domain disappeared and became the black void once more, making Y/N aware that it was time to wake up.

Y/N opened his eyes, finding himself laid down on top of his bed. He was painfully aware of what had happened but there was no sign of any wounds he sustained in the spar. He patted down his body and felt no pain at all before he realised something painfully obvious "Reversed cursed technique, they must have someone that can heal others." Y/N sat up on the bed and looked back down at his palms, not as much blood on them anymore but it was definitely still there. He finally stood up and went over to his door, adjusting his uniform as he walked. He wanted to test something important and there was only one person who could help him. Gojo would be a good person to test this theory on because of his incredible amount of cursed energy, either him or Yuta and Y/N didn't think he'd be on the best of terms with any of his classmates right now. He'd apologise to Maki soon because he really did regret his actions, she was also right in what she said and it got to him too easily.

Y/N reached the classroom and knocked on the door before he entered. Once he walked in he was greeted by a still annoyed looking Maki but the other three didn't react negatively. Y/N immediately walked over to Maki and spoke "I wanted to apologise for how the spar went. I couldn't handle my own emotions and they got the better of me, I promise it won't happen again." Y/N bowed his head as he apologised to her so he didn't see her reaction

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