The Owl Woman

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(At GravesField, the crime rate was alarmingly high. Almost every criminal seemed to lurk around the block, causing trouble at every turn. Banks had been robbed, innocent people were getting hurt, valuable jewels were being stolen, and the police seemed to be ineffective in curbing the crime wave. However, amidst the chaos, there seemed to be a mysterious figure who was taking matters into their own hands. The criminals feared this enigmatic vigilante, as they seemed to vanish without a trace after delivering their form of justice. The police were clueless about the identity of this unknown vigilante, but rumors circulated that the vigilante was a woman who dressed like an owl.)

Eda: Alright girls what you want to eat tonight?

Luz: I'm not sure we had pizza last time and I don't like sushi, so how about a burger OH but with fries and a Coke or Pepsi don't care.

Eda: (chuckles) Of course, what you think Vee up for some Burgers with fries?

Vee: Sure but no pickles on mine or onions.

Eda: (smiled) You two are just like me and Camila.

Vee: Do you miss her?

Eda:... Every time.

Luz: (hugs her mother) Me too.

Vee: (hugs her mother) Me as well.

Eda: (hugged her daughters back and thought) 'Camila me and the girls miss you so much, but we'll never forget you.' alright girls let's head to Burger Joints and get some food.

Luz & Vee: Yay.

(Eda took both Luz and Vee to their favorite Burger Joints, where they each ordered their usual meals. They decided to grab their food to go and headed back home. As they were walking, an alarm suddenly went off at the nearby bank, catching their attention.)

Luz: What's going on?

Vee: Sounds like a bank robbery we should get moving.

Eda: Luz Vee listen to me use the shortcut to get to the house quicker.

Luz: What about you?

Eda: I'll catch up to you both now go.

(As Luz and Vee decided to take the shortcut, Eda made her way to the nearby bank. Inside, a group of criminals was in the process of breaking in and looting all the money. As they hurriedly left the bank with the stolen cash, one of the criminals caught sight of something that sent a shiver down their spine.)

Thug 1: Hey what are you looking at? (Saw the same thing)

(They all gazed in awe as the dark figure gracefully descended and landed right in front of them, causing a hushed silence to envelop the group.)

Owl Woman: (Deep voice) So... Whose going first?

(One of the thugs stupidly tried to land a punch to the Owl Woman but the Owl Woman grabbed the thug's fist and landed a punch back breaking his jaw.)

Owl Woman: Whose next?

(The thugs all tried to attack Owl Woman but attempted to fail The Owl Woman was used every move she knew and injured all the thugs when the police arrived 2 police officers pointed their guns out at The Owl Woman.)

Officer 1: Don't move turn around slowly.

(The Owl Woman turned around and stared at the police officers)

Officer 1: (Shakey) A-alright n-now take off t-the mask-k.

(The officers were taken aback as the mysterious Owl Woman reached behind her head, leading them to believe she was about to remove her mask. Instead, she surprised them by pulling out a flash pallet, temporarily blinding them and allowing her to slip away unnoticed before they could regain their sight.)

(Back at the Clawthorne residence)

Eda: I'm back you'll better not have eaten without me.

Luz: Nah we were just watching a movie.

Eda: Oh which one?

Vee: Citizen Camando: War for Justice.

Eda: I can never understand why you kids love these kinds of movies.

Luz: They're literally based on comics from Global and you know how much we love Global comics when they're turned into movies.

Vee: Yeah and they made the best comics ever and the greatest characters that come with them including awesome origins.

Eda: OK ok I get it now let's eat.

Luz: Hey Mom I have a question.

Eda: What's up?

Luz: If you were a superhero what kind of superhero would you be?

Eda:... Really Luz.

Vee: It's an honest question you need to answer, I already answered mine so have Luz.

Eda: Oh yeah and what would that be?

Luz: I would be the Red Sparrow along with my trusty sis/sidekick Green Snake.

Eda: Hahaha seriously "Snort" Those are names "snort" hahaha.

Luz: OK what about you Mom?

Eda: I don't have to answer since I'm not into whatever books your reading, anyways let's eat already I'm starving.

(As Eda and her daughters begin to eat their food, Luz and Vee head to bed while Eda puts on her suit and heads out again. As she walks through the dimly lit streets, she notices a group of eight thugs attempting to rob a woman as the woman was crying one of the thugs approaches her As he ventures further into the darkness, an unseen force suddenly seizes him, pulling him into the depths of the unknown where the rest of the thug's heard screaming then someone came out of the shadow making the thugs laugh.)

Thug 1: The hell you supposed to be?

(Aa the thug pulled out her gun the Owl Woman slapped it away and started beating the female thug until she was finished she looked at the rest of the thugs and said.)

Owl Woman: (deep voice) I'm vengeance.

(The Owl House x The Batman)

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