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The door creaked open and on the other side, there stood Jake. Tall and mighty, shirtless with abs that glinted in the full moon. He was only in his white bathrobe and his jet black hair glistened with water droplets.

“Welcome to my humble abode.” he said as he let me in.

The memories of this place came flooding back. The pain I endured. The times i-

I was tearing up.

Happy thoughts Dimitri, happy thoughts.

“Humble my Caucasian ass.” I mumbled under my breath.

“Hold on a minute...let me dress first.”

He sprinted upstairs leaving me walking towards the dining table awkwardly. I saw candles that lit the room with their amber glow. A meal was laid out infront of me. A steak with goulash sauce and sweet potato fries. And some nice red wine laid out in those fancy ass glasses

He came back mere minutes later dressed in a tight fitting pair of black pants and a tight matching black shirt.

I could spot his bulge. And I couldn't take my eyes off it.

“Ahem. Eyes up here.” he said,and my cheeks turned red.

He grabbed me by the hand, and smothered it with a kiss. All while making eye contact. Gorgeous orbs. I could drown.

“You look.... lovely by the way.” he whispered seductively.

I hadn't even put effort into my look. I had just put on an old pair of jeans and a button up tee that was a bit large. And some worn out converse.My blonde hair was in a bun. Honestly I looked like a hippie.

“You look lovely too.” I said.

He sat himself down and within minutes and only the sound of the candles flickering could be heard. He was looking intently at me.

“i thought we'd settle for noodles or something...”

“I thought noodles were a bit....tacky.”he chuckled.

“How do I know you haven't put something in.... like last time.”

His eyebrows furrowed. He stood up, cut a bite of my salmon,and shoved it in his mouth before chewing noisily.

“I still don't-”

“Just eat Dimitri, please...”

I dug in hesitantly, and to be honest it was one of the best steaks  I've ever had.

“So...which restaurant did you order this from?” I asked sipping on the wine.

“I cooked it actually...”

“Oh....I didn't know Hollywood snobs knew how to.” I sassed.

His brows furrowed again.

His fists clenched against the table cloth.

“Dimitri, why do you think so lowly of me?” he clenched his teeth.

“Oh, I don't know.... maybe the fact that you treated me like shit despite me being in love with you?” I said tearing up,“or maybe because you treated me like a fucking sex doll. I'm a human goddamit!”

My brows lined up with sweat. I was shaking.

“Maybe I should go....” I stood up from the table, and got surprised when he followed me, grabbed me and pulled me against his chest.

«Painful Ecstasy»Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora