Chapter 56

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"I wish that I was your brother so that I can protect you better" a man said while ruffling a little girl's hair.

The little girl smiled at him showing him her crystal white teeth. She shined brightly in the sun and looked cute.

It was not always that you see her like this so the man was glad to be experiencing the rare scene.

He was a college student in his final year from the little girl's neighbourhood, not more than twenty years old.

The little girl was so close to the man. She has just turned ten this year.

"But you are just like my big brother and always protect me from bad people" she said with a cute smile, something that could light up his world in a split of second.

"Sure, little munchkin" he said giving her an ice cream cone to enjoy.

Lucas stood in the air watching them.

He felt oddly familiar with the man, it was like it was his soul but in a different body.

"Is it him?" he asked himself.

Yeah, he sure is, it is his past life self.

"And the little girl in front of me is?"

"Katherine" Lucas gave the answer to his own question, while putting his transparent hands on his mouth.

Was this the reason that he felt oddly connected with her at the first sight, they shared a deeper bond of several lifetimes.

Then another little girl, who seemed to be of just five-six years walked out the house with her chubby legs.

"He is my brother" the little kid pouted while clinging on to her brother.

The said brother and the other girl laughed at the little cupcake.

"Rosaline?" Lucas wispered.

Yeah she was her, cute, sweet and spoiled.

Even with totally different bodies he can recognise her, after all she was his twin.

As he was about to reach out to the giggling and laughing group of three, he was jerked up.

He was woken up by his butler who looked worried about his master who was drenched in cold sweat.

Why did he saw his past life?

The question without answer lingered in his mind like a plague.

In reality they were coming to know everything that happened because maybe this was the end.


Lucas sipped his tea quietly but his mind wandered to the dream again and again.

A servant came to him and handled him a letter.

He opened the letter quickly after knowing that it was sent by Damian.

After reading the content of the letter, he stood up and commanded "Prepare the carriage"

Alisteir and Drake also stood up with him.

"Where are you headed in such a hurry?" Drake asked him.

"Troublesome people tend to always cause trouble" Lucas replied.

In reality he was going to save lives of some people who don't love their own life and carelessly go to the lion's den.

Drake and Alisteir also understood immediately what he was hinting at.

"Lucas, can we also go?" Alisteir asked cautiously.

Lucas understood their concern but he can't do anything.

"It is better if you stay here, your fiancées might get the wrong idea if you go, and don't worry, I will take care" Lucas said walking off.

After walking a few steps he looked back.

"And it would be better for everyone if you just move on from your crush, find happiness you two, don't dwell on the past, I bet she also wants this"

These words even though hurtful were true, they can't spend the rest of their lives pondering over their one sided crush.


In some faraway land, there was a ruin somewhere at that barren place.

According to the legends and stories that go around in the Eastern Kingdom in which this place was located, this land used to be really fertile and prosperous centuries ago.

It is said that one day a person came and disappeared somewhere in the temple and since then this place has been barren.

there also stories saying that because that person tried to ruin the Goddess' temple, she put a curse on him and this place to rob it of its prosperity.

A lady sat at a bench-in some village neighbouring the said place-reading a newspaper. She was waiting for someone to arrive.

Mark reached the place where Rosaline has called him.

Back to the edge of his hometown which was now just a barren piece of wasteland. Looking as which no one can assume that once this place was the most fertile place in the world.

He was a protector at the temple which his family of priests owned.

Yes, owned centuries ago.

He barely remembers what happened back then, he doesn't know the story about the fate of this place before Katherine woke him up from his deep slumber within the ruins.

It is also a possibility that he travelled to future because his Clan was long massacred by the stupid king who wanted power.

It's amazing that the reason for every fight that happened, be it in history or now, is the same that is power, people want power, maybe it is human nature to be greedy, right.

It was greed that destroyed everything, over the years it mercilessly destryed many a men's worlds .

He had came here on Rosaline's call as there was hope. Hope that thing will go back to how they were before.

Hope that everything will be fine.

'Hope' that word, everyone was searching high and low for it. Even among the stacks of paperwork Xander handled, more that sixty percent was just about searching for a way to get Katherine out of her deep sleep.

'Hope' a word that saved the world and destroyed it too, depending upon who and how they took it's meaning and for what they took it as.

'Hope' in search of just this four letter word, Xander has overturned the whole world, but still; found nothing.

Mark looked at Rosaline who was sitting on the bench.

"So any lead" he asked her.

Rosaline slowly lowered the newspaper in her hand to reveal a smile that resembled that of a chesire cat.

Villainess? well, who cares......not me. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora