Chapter 54

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These two years were hell for Xander as he saw his love crumbling apart slowly with time.

The Vacation Palace, where they were was very beautiful and always had a happy and cheerful atmosphere filled with positivity the shadows of sadness took no time in enveloping all the positivity that lingered here.

Mark stood beside Xander with his emotionless facade. His emotions were in a turmoil.

His life savior was on the verge of disappearance in front of his eyes but he can't do anything.

His vow to serve and protect his master went straight into the mud.

His feeling of helplessness was eating him inside as he stared at his boss' depleting life form.

He was here to help Xander manage the Darks.

The Darks, the organisation started by Katherine out of good will and also partly for her future plans.

It doesn't matter, how prosperous a city is but still their is an ugly side to it to, the Dark alley which were saved by the eyes of the honest governers. That is where Darks come along to provide those neglected by royalty, relief.

He was also found by her like that only.

The Darks corporation back in Enchancia was being temporarily handled by Damian while Xander was temporarily in charge of the one here in Dragon Wales.

The situation of the Dark members were also not well nowadays.

Things went a really complicated path at their boss' sudden sickness.

Everything was slowly falling apart and so were peoples emotions and them themselves.

Of course, they had no idea that she was on the brink of death.

Suddenly something flashed in his pocket.

Taking it out, tears were unconsciously dwelling in Mark's eyes.

At the flash of something Xander looked up from the paper he was reading at his fiancée's right hand man.

The tough and emotionless man's eyes were laden with drops. Xander's gaze then landed on the shining brooch in his hand.

He understood.

Mark was the last one remaining of his Clan.

His Clan, The Light Wavers, a family of priests was executed by the king of their land for the act of treason.

Well that was what was told, in reality, their power threatened the king's authority so he deemed it well to execute them.

The thing in Mark's hand was probably his family heirloom handled down in his family for generations.

The brooch shined with a blinding light in the dark gloomy room.

Mark looked at Xander.

Understanding the situation Xander gave him a short nod.

After given permission Mark left the room with a quick bow.

There was still hope.

Xander glanced at Katherine for a brief moment before resuming his work.

After sometime in a whoosh Liam appeared in front of him with some silver berries in his hands.

Liam's dim eyes stared at Katherine for a while before shifting to Xander.

"What do you want?" Xander spoke looking up from his works.

Liam sat beside him on the couch, pressing him over to the side to look at the papers.

"Till when are you going to be like this, drowning yourself in the sea of work, my sister would give you a good beating because of this when she wakes up"

"As if she can, her physical strength has always been no more than a five year old's" Xander said with a straight face.

Liam's gaze wandered off to Katherine once again before he wispered to himself.

"They are coming"

Xander heard it, these three words made his eyes red and his blood boil with anger. The reason for all these misfortune as he termed them, were coming.

Even though he wanted to tear them apart at this moment, he closed his eyes to calm himself down and said nothing.

For the last two years he has been here, cooped up in this place along with his beloved lying like a dead fish on the bed.

These hell like two years passed slowly and made him want to kill himself a multiple of times.

But he stopped himself, he resisted the temptation to end it all, thinking that what if she woke up tommorow, he won't be able to see her anymore then.

Falling apart slowly, he was gathering himself quietly for everyone around him, because the day he gave up everyone will.

He was the most stubborn person you can find on the face of the earth so him giving up on something means there is really nothing left.

As for Liam, he still remained at the Royal Demon Palace.

After his coronation he handled all the palace affairs along with the other ministers and the new prime minister.

There were no system of nobles and commoners in the Demon realm, people's authority and place in the palace depended upon their own ability.

There was no hierarchy except in the Royal family as they were the only ones who possessed enough mana to sustain demon's life here.

Liam also kinda immersed himself in his work to divert his mind off the trauma he suffered.

Even though Xander rescued Katherine from between the light flames two years back but still her mana was burnt a lot.

Her body pale as silver and hot as lava, he doesn't even know how Xander carried her.

At first glance everyone will say that she is dead looking at her condition but, she wasn't, she has drifted off into a deep slumber from which she hadn't woken up till now.

These days spent in the palace felt lonely more then when he was trapped downstairs in that prison cell.

Well, at that time atleast he knew that his sister was well and fine then, now they are just counting the days, no one knows what tommorow has to bring.

Everyone fears the worst that could happen.

Who knows if she will hold on for one more night and as for Xander, he won't even sleep, afraid that when he wakes up tommorow he will see his beloved's cold body.

'Cause no one knows if she will survive another night.

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