Chapter 55

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The atmosphere in Enchancia was not peaceful either.

A thick tension and fear was always hovering in the air making the Royal family die with nervousness.

There was always a threat to the security of the Empire of Enchancia as in one way or another their Crown Prince Ivan was also responsible for Katherine's current condition.

The Grand Duchy of Selteriola was also at odds with the Royal family and so were the Dragon Wales and the Demonica Kingdom.

If you see it clearly, the current emperor was a no good ruler, Greedy and didn't has the best interest of the nation at heart, so the public was not happy with the emperor as well.

And if the news of Katherine's condition broke out the walls of the palace, there was sure to be a rebellion which might overthrow the current Royal Family.

The Darks has helped many a people in need, sometimes Katherine will also come to aid, the people loved her and on top of that if it gets out that she is the only daughter of Drake Regilious Ecart, it will cause an uproar in the Grand Duchy.

She had many supporters and followers unknowingly so the Emperor was in a tight spot.

The Royal Family could not sleep peacefully at night worrying about what is to come tommorow or the very next second.

What whatever reason it maybe but they were also praying for Katherine's recovery because if she didn't, there lives were determined to be in grave danger.

And seeing how the situation is, their enimies don't even need to wage a war against them, they can easily kill them without trace in the dead silence of night or better just spread out the news and the public will execute them personally.

The can't also gat the Grand Duchy on their side as Ivan's engagement with Rosaline also broke after that incident.

They themselves pulled a axe to their neck.

Rosaline broke the engagement and after her graduation set off on a journey to tour the world and more importantly to find a way to get Katherine out of her vegetative state.

Damian's situation was not like the other Royal family members, just like the other mourners he had also drowned himself in his work.

He barely had any ties with the Royalty or any interest in the fight for the throne.

He was happy with his Merchant and Information guilds which earned him enough money to laze around without doing anything for the rest of his life.

He was also taking care Katherine's Guilds in Enchancia and was also the one who had the highest hopes that his friend is gonna return and scold him for being to lazy at work.

He stared at the picture frame on his desk as he was dealing with some of the new requests.

The picture frame held the photo of a girl and a boy no more that twelve years old, holding fire in their hands.

The boys smiled goofily while the girl just stood with a bored expression on her face but if you look very closely you can see a very slight and almost invisible curve at the corner of her mouth.

It was really difficult to handle the Darks who were falling apart without their boss in sight.

'Knock' 'Knock' someone knocked on his office door.

"Come in" he said keeping the picture away and focusing on his work.

His right hand man came inside and gave him a letter.

"Sir, this was sent from the spy staying at the palace" the man said.

He took the letter at stared at it.

Yeah, they have stationed a spy at the palace to make sure that the Royal Family doesn't go doing something stupid to anger the already angered Devil.

They have already sowed enough for the Devil to make them reap for the rest of their lives and it seems that they might have done some utterly good deeds in their previous life otherwise they would be buried ten feet down in the earth long ago.

After all Xander might just throw their necks off if they made even a little wrong move.

His friend really has always had a bad temper when someone harms his lived ones.

Of course he knows this better than anyone as the have been friends since their crawling days.

Damian grew up in the Royal palace of Dragon Wales till he started school.

The fights  after returning to Enchancia were just a way of greeting between them.

Well, Xander was also jealous because Damian always mentioned a girl who was his best friend in the letters they exchanged and that girl turned out to be his own beloved fiancée.

At the moment, knowing this Xander was green eyed with jealousy and wanted to kill his friend with his bare hands.

If you ask him, it was a sight to look at.

He opened the letter and smirked.

"Seems like my brother has got a death wish, Zeff, prepare the route, I am going on a rescue mission" Damian gave his orders while scribbling something on a paper.

"Send this to Lucas" He handed Zeff the letter and dismissed him.


Drake and Alisteir sat with Lucas sipping tea in Lucas' home.

Dispite the sweetness and the sweet aroma of the tea their expressions were grave.

The letter informing them about Katherine's current conditions, any improvements or stating about dangers was yet to come.

They also wanted to go to the Dragon Wales to see her but couldn't.

Xander has sealed himself and Katherine in the depths of a forest and top of that they have their own duties at home.

Drake and Alisteir were betrothed to some noble ladies of some on par noble families.

It was an arranged marriage set up for mutual benefits between the two families.

Well, the two who had an unrequited crush were crushed between them.

Lucas as per Katherine's will that she left behind in her room, inherited the Duchy at the age of eighteen.

Raffele enjoyed his peaceful days not worrying about the duchy after shoving all the work on his son at a seaside vacation home.

Now the only thing that bothered him was his niece who showed no signs of recovery whatsoever.

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