Eye of the Beholder

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A/n: This is my favorite episode of American Dragon! I finally get to write my favorite episode! Woo Hoo!!! Okay I'm done fangirling, onto the story.

Alaska and Jake were over at Lao Chi's shop, trying to do their Algebra homework. But they kinda had some trouble because Fu was messing around with the tv. And when the canine couldn't get the set to work, he pounded on the glass. 

"Ah! I can never get the magic channel to work on this thing!" Fu fiddled around with the tv some more, taking the antenna off the top and tossing it to Jake. "Here, hold this."

Jake caught the antenna before it hit his girlfriend in the face. "Fu, we're trying to do our-Wah! Homework." 

The dog grabbed the dragon and had him stand on top of the tv, positioning him so the tv signal would work. "Yeah, yeah, priorities, kid. They're doing a segment on the Miss Magical World Beauty Pageant."

Alaska got up and came over as she crossed her arms. "I never understood why beauty pageants are a thing. I mean, judging people based on how pretty they are? It seems wrong to me." 

Jake looked to the gem and smirked. "Well, you're the most beautiful to me." 

That earned him a kiss on the cheek from the girl and she smiled. "And you're the most handsome dragon to me." 

Fu kept positioning Jake, even speeding off to grab a coat hanger to attach to the dragon's foot. The dog also put a tin foil hat on Jake, and it seems to have worked as the pageant was now on the tv. "Okay, perfect, don't move!" 

There were many magic girls lined up for the pageant, from a giant to a mermaid. 

Fu then started acting like a dog. "Woo-wee, now those are some fine-looking lassies." 

Alaska had to say she was kinda jealous of the contestants' looks, each of them had the peak of beauty standards for their kind. It made her feel a little self-conscious about herself. 

The host of the pageant came onto the screen, and it turns out it was Eli Pandarus. A wizard who stole leprechauns' gold that Jake and Alaska had to recover. Fu was cheering him on. 

"Wait, Eli Pandarus?" 

"Yeah, he's sponsoring the pageant, holding it on his private island." 

Alaska crossed her arms. "Fu, he's a lying, cheating wizard, who stole from innocent leprechauns and tried to kill me and Jake with a giant spider." 

"All I know is, the first guy to host the world's first magical beauty pageant can't be all bad." Fu was still supporting the wizard, and it made both dragons deadpan at the dog. 

A familiar voice was heard behind them. "Think again, genius." 

It was the oracle twins, and Alaska sent them a friendly wave. "Hey, Karah, Sarah, how've you two been?" 

"Hi, we had a vision about the pageant. Pandarus is up to something, something unspeakably horrible." Sarah answered cheerfully as she clapped her hands. 

Jake then wobbled and fell off the tv with Alaska catching him, Sarah gave a late warning. "Oh, and Jake's gonna fall."

"Aw man." 

Lao Chi then came into the room after Alaska helped Jake stand, the elder smacked the tv when it started going to static. "Fu Dog, have you been messing with the antenna again?" 

"No, of course not." His answer made Alaska roll her eyes. 

Sarah pointed to one of the contestants as she walked on stage. "Oh, look at those heals. She's gonna have a tough time running for her life in those." 

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