Professor Rotwood's Thesis

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Okay, sneaking out is a normal thing teenagers do, right? Sneaking out in a ninja outfit isn't, especially if Alaska was helping Jake patrol the city at night. The gem was leaping from one roof to another while her dragon friend flew alongside the ninja. 

"I'm just saying you could ride on my back anytime." Alaska rolled her eyes at him as he took this opportunity to tease her, or flirt with her. She didn't know which. 

"Flying in a ship is one thing, riding on my friend's back is another." The two soon stopped as they saw a leprechaun about to be robed by the Huntsman and Hunts-Girl. Dragon blew a breath of fire and the two hunters backed off, so they didn't get burnt. 

"Sorry, baby, but gold-digging definitely dropped you points on the hot meter." Alaska or Frost jumped down and made a wall of ice to protect her friend and the leprechaun from a blast from the Huntsman's spear. 

"You again?!" Frost gave a wink to Hunts-Girl and summoned her sword. "Aw, you missed me?" Jake chuckled at this and picked up a trash can lid and used it as a shield before throwing it at the hunters. 

The lid knocked the spear out of the Huntsman's hand, and he ordered the girl at his side to finish the duo. The fight moved to the roof tops as the dragon and gem duo were both blocking attacks and even coming up with moves on the fly. Not knowing was watching them. "Dragon, throw me!" 

Jake got into a low crouch and as Frost grabbed his tail, he slung her forward and she used the momentum as a slingshot as she let go at the right moment. Frost then did a flying kick as she shouted a battle cry. 

"Now eat this, Sucka!" 

The kick knocked Hunts-Girl back and even knocked the wind out of her. The gem brandished her sword as Huntsman took the other ninja girl away and they disappeared. "Yo, what was that?" 

Frost looked back at the dragon and placed a hand on her hip as her sword vanished. "What was what?" Jake smirked and nudged her with his elbow. "You know that 'Now eat this, Sucka!' What was that about, Frosty?" 

The ninja shrugged and rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "I think my friends' video game language is rubbing off on me." 

Alaska checked the time and grew panicked. "Oh, shatter me. I gotta get home now!" Jake then surprised the ninja by scooping her up and flying towards her home, she clung to him as they flew. 

Once there Jake set her down on the fire escape and she went inside, not forgetting to say goodbye. 

The next day in Mr. Rotwood's class he handed out flyers with a blurred-out picture of yellow and red, with some hints of black. There was a five-hundred-dollar reward to any of the students who could get actual proof of magical creatures existing. Alaska however was concerned for both her dragon friend's and her own safety.

 "Rotwood is tripping hard." Jake looked up from the flyer he had and put it away as he answered Trixie. "What? Oh, yeah, totally." 

Spud, however, wasn't paying attention. "I wonder if my mom even knows her lizania escaped." Alaska chuckled as she put the poster in her bag and started to walk out with her friends to Trixie's place. It was the weekend, so they planned to hang out for a bit after the school day. 

The four were now playing a video game in Trixie's living room. "We need a touchdown to win it!" Trixie's grandmother then shouted from the kitchen.

 "Trixie, you and your friends want anything to eat?!" Trix hollered back. "Nah, we cool, Grandma!" Alaska had to admit, she was jealous of Trixie having her dad's mom around. The half-gem would only hear stories about her grandmother, but never got to meet her at all because of you know what. 

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