Day In

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Alaska couldn't go to school on Monday. She couldn't bring herself to get out of bed after finding out that one of her best friends was trying to kill her. The half-gem was currently under her covers as her tears kept coming. 

Not even Lion could get her out of bed today. 

"Princess? Can you come out?" Alaska sniffed as she heard Jake enter the room. "No, I don't want to." 

Jake sighed and sat on the bed next to the lump that was his girlfriend. He was holding a tub of mint ice-cream and a spoon that Connie and Amythyst gave him. 

"I brought ice-cream." The gem peaked her head out from under the blanket and hesitantly sat up. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying and her cheeks were stained with both wet and dry tears. "Oh, princess. You wanna talk about it?" 

Alaska took the frozen treat and started to eat it as she shook her head. "No." 

Jake then thought for a second before going into his dragon form. "You want some dragon cuddles?" 

This made her tear up before abandoning her ice-cream on her nightstand before hugging Jake and crying into his scaly chest. She felt him wrap his arms and wings around her as he started purring and keeping her warm as she sobbed. 

"There we go. Feel a little better?" Alaska nodded as sniffed as her crying started to die down. 

Lion then came into the room and licked the girl's cheek and nuzzled against her. "I just can't believe Rose is Hunts-Girl. She tried to kill both of us, and I broke her leg once. I-I don't know what to do." 

Jake rand his talons throughout her hair and his tail flicked as he worried for the half-gem. He then got a small idea and gathered what blankets and pillows were in the room and made a nest on the floor. 

Lion laid next to the comfort nest and started to nap as Jake picked Alaska up and laid her in the center. The dragon curled around the girl, laying his head in her lap as he handed her the ice-cream that she forgot about. 

"Let's just focus on you right now, princess. We can find a solution when you feel better." Alaska leaned on Jake's side and ate her minty treat. "Thanks, Dragon." 

Garnet came in the room and took the ice-cream from Alaska, wiping her tears with her thumb. The woman then glowed before two new figures were revealed. 

"Woah, what? Where's Garnet?" Jake was confused as he stared at the two new gems. 

One was red and had the same square afro Garnet had, she wore a red bandana around her forehead and her gem was on one of her palms. The other was blue, and her hair covered her eye, she was also wearing a blue dress and her gem was also on one of her palms. 

"Aunt Ruby, Aunt Saphire, this is Jake. But you two already know that. Jake, this is Ruby and Saphire, they are Garnet when fused." 

Jake listened as Alaska explained a bit. "Ms. G is a fusion?" 

Ruby crossed her arms and nodded. "Yeah, what'cha gonna do about it?" 

Saphire placed a hand on Ruby's shoulder to calm the red gem. "Ruby, remember, we're here to see Alaska." The blue gem then came forward and held one of her niece's hands, Saphire's hands were cold. 

"Right, how're you holding up?" Ruby held Alaska's other hand; the red gem's hand was warm. 

Alaska lowered her head and sighed. "My best friend turned out to be a killer in a murderous clan, and I don't know what to do about it." 

The two looked at each other before looking to Jake, who nodded saying what the hybrid told them was true. "I saw the whole thing. It wasn't good." 

Saphire and Ruby sat with Alaska and hugged her tight. "Maybe you should give yourself some time to heal. Try to stay around people who make you happy and distance yourself a bit." 

Ruby agreed. "Yeah, maybe connect with nature a bit like I did." 

Jake then got an idea on what to do. "My dad is taking me camping soon, maybe you'd like to come. He said I could bring some friends." 

Alaska smiled a bit and nodded as she felt a bit better. "Thanks, Jake. I'd like that." 

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to show how the revelation of Rose being in the Hunts-Clan impacted Alaska. Anyway, I hope you all have a good Valentines Day this year, love you all.)

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