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chapter twenty-one, I love you

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chapter twenty-one, I love you.

    AARON AND ROSE WERE IN A BIT OF A PREDICAMENT. You see, it had been nearly two weeks since the two had confessed their love for one another; neither Rose nor Aaron had talked about it since.

Honestly, they hadn't been had the chance to talk at all. Sure, they saw each other all the time, but most of that time was spent on stage or around other people.

Still, that didn't stop the longing looks and quick glances the two would send towards each other. In fact, they did it so often that Robyn and Ricky noticed; it wasn't saying much since the two were very observant, but still.

Over the past few weeks both Rose and Aaron thought of their relationship, all of the insults and fights. They thought of where it all began, the day they met. But, they never truly hated one another.

It was like they met complete and utter perfection from the second they locked eyes. Their lack of flaws was so apparent that they hated it. So, in return, they hated each other.

But, now, Rose and Aaron had no trace of hate in their hearts or minds, the hatred they once shared was long gone.

Robyn and Ricky had noticed almost immediately, especially since their chemistry, which was already strong, not only grew in strength but it carried on offstage. Even with the two standing there. It was odd, really.

It was now intermission, and once again, Robyn and Ricky decided to confront the two. Separately, of course.

Ricky barged into Aaron's dressing room, scaring the man slightly. Aaron watched as his friend sat down, eyeing Aaron.

"What's going on with you and Rose?"


"You guys are staring at each other, and you blush when you make eye contact. Your chemistry grew, and now it's there backstage. So, what's going on?" Ricky questioned, using his fingers to list off what was all happening.

"Oh, you could tell?"

"It's very obvious, mate," Ricky laughed, watching as Aaron blushed slightly.

"I- uh, well....i told her how I felt."

"What?" Ricky questioned, a look of shock on his face. Sure, he wanted Aaron to confess, but he didn't think he actually would!

"Yeah, we were arguing and....i just told her."

"What exactly did you tell her?"

"That I'm in love with her."

In the other room, Robyn and Rose were having the exact same conversation.

"And what did you do after he told you?" Robyn asked, moving closer to Rose. Roses face had a slight blush to it and a wide smile on her lips, her fingers fiddled with her costume nervously.

"Well- I was a bit confused, so I asked "you hate me because you love me?" And he told me no, that he hates me because he can't have me."

"And?!" Robyn questioned excitedly, her hand softly slapping Roses arm.

"I just kissed him. then, I pulled away and told him I was in love with him too. And that he can have me," Rose explained, her smile widening.

"So you guys are official?" Robyn questioned, and Roses smile dropped slightly.

"Well....not really. Before we could say anything Aaron was called for places, and we haven't been able to speak since then. That was two weeks ago," Rose explained, turning to look at Robyn.


"I know, I know. But I'm scared to ask," Rose explained, getting up and walking to her vanity. Quickly, Rose began to touch up her makeup, trying to ignore the looks Robyn was giving her.

"Why? You both know how you feel."

"But what if he rejects me?"

"He won't."

"We don't-"

"Yes we do, Rose. He said it first hand, he's in love with you."

Before Rose could rebut, they were all called for places. The two quickly walked to the stage, and Rose tried to ignore the urge to look at Aaron, she really did, but he was too pretty to not look at.

As Rose turned her head to look at him, she found that his eyes were already on her. Rose let a soft blush tint her cheeks as she looked to the ground.

Aaron couldn't help but smile at her action, it was too cute not to smile at. Rose did something to him, something that brought a swirl of affection and adoration to his heart.

Quickly, Act Two started, and Rose and Aaron continued to play their roles. Chemistry radiated off of them, and the audience loved it.

Soon enough, it was time for one of Roses favorite songs, "El Tango De Roxanne." The song was one of her favorites due to many reasons: the lighting, costumes, the lyrics, the way Aaron looked in that trench coat....which was exceptionally good.

Rose quickly went through her motions and now she could just watch from the wings.

Aaron was amazing at this song, and Rose felt her heart pick up. As the lyric 'and please, believe me when I say, I love you!' Rose felt her heart twist as she noticed that Aaron had looked at her.

So he wasn't lying? Or, maybe it was just a coincidence? No, it couldn't be. He had admitted it to Rose, and now he was singing a song about loving someone and looked right at Rose. This was real, just as real as the blush on Roses cheeks.

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