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chapter five, about you

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chapter five, about you.

AARON ABSOLUTELY LOATHED ROSE SEYMOUR. Of course he did, there was no reason not to.....not the fact that she was one of the most  talented woman he'd ever met, not the fact that she was the sweetest person ever....well to everyone but Aaron. But that was to be expected.

Aaron, although he hated her, would never wish any harm upon Rose. He wasn't that bad of a human being, he still had sympathy and respect. So, he couldn't just let Roses parents get away with degrading her like that, especially over something as stupid as dropping a little napkin. Thats why he did what he did. He wasn't going to stand there and listen to Roses parents say she was untalented, and needed improvement, because that just wasn't true.

Sure, everyone has room for improvement, no one was perfect, but Rose was the last person he thought of when he thought of the word 'improvement.' She was extremely talented, and he wasn't going to have someone tell her otherwise. Maybe that's why he hates her? No, there had to be something else.

Another thing Aaron hated was how persistent his parents were on how good him and Rose looked together. Aaron's parents had both seen multiple videos and promo photos of the two, and can't seem to get it out of their heads that Aaron and Rose were, in fact, not together.

Speaking of, Aaron was nervous. His parents were coming to the show, tonight. He had no doubt that his parents would try and speak to Rose, and Aaron had to prevent that. Even if he knew that the girl would be absolutely adored, and she would absolutely fit right in with his family....wait what?

That show, Aaron paced with nerves backstage. Every so often he would look at Rose and wonder, why was he so scared for his parents to meet her? It's not like she was of any significance in his life. Right?

Rose quickly picked up on his nervousness, and she wouldn't stop teasing him about it.

"Come on, Aaron. What's got you so nervous tonight? Got a special girl in the audience?"

"Yeah." Aaron said without thinking, just trying to get the girl to shut up.

"Aww, what's her name?"

"Well, I normally call her mom," Aaron rolled his eyes, causing Rose to snort. It was an ugly snort that no girl would want anyone to hear, but Rose couldn't really care less. "Nice laugh," Aaron teased.

"Thanks." Rose responded shortly, walking on stage as their next scene was up.

The rest of the show went smoothly, and of course, Rose and Aaron teasing each other backstage. Rose made the conclusion that she absolutely needed to attempt to meet Aaron's parents. Surely, there was a reason as to why Aaron was so cruel.

So, Rose quickly making her way through the crowd by the stage door, shooting glances at Aaron to see any signs of his parents.

"Are you Rose?" A soft voice asked, a hand tapping Rose on the shoulder gently. Rose turned around to find a couple.

"Yes, how may I help you?"

"Were Aarons parents," the older man answered, smiling gently. Rose smiled at them, reaching out to shake their hands. She looked behind her, seeing a very nervous Aaron looking her way. This was going to be good.

"Oh! How lovely it is to meet you both," Rose was cut off by Aaron joining them.

"Mom, dad," Aaron greeted, being pulled into a hug by both.

"The show was absolutely spectacular, both of you did amazing, really," Aarons mother smiled, looking between the two castmates. Aarons mother's gaze stopped on Rose, a large smile placing itself onto her face. "Aaron treats you well, right?"

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, Ms. Tevit."

"But I thought you two were-" Aaron cut his mother off, quickly shutting down the accusation.

"No, we aren't together, but, if I may ask, what made you think that?"

"Well he talks about you all the time," Aaron's dad reveals, causing Aaron to blush deeply and Rose to grin. Their conversation drifted to the show, and before she knew it, Rose was saying goodbye to Aarons parents. Surprisingly, Aaron didn't leave with them.

"You talk about me," Rose grins, crossing her arms over her chest as she watched Aaron's cheeks turn a soft pink.

"Yeah, about how rude you are," Aaron mumbles, moving to walk away from her. As Aaron walked down the street, he got a ding from his phone.

'You better ask that sweet girl out, or I will for you.' - Mom.

Aaron chuckled slightly, hearing the 'threat' in his mother's voice. He couldn't help but roll his eyes, unaware of the blush that was tinging his cheeks.

Rose thought back to the conversation between her and her cast-mates parents, a small smile placing itself onto her face. Aaron, the man who hates her, talks about her all the time? It had to be a good thing too, or else his parents wouldn't think that the two are together. Rose didn't know, and maybe she didn't want to.....but a small part of her knew she wanted to know.

Thank you guys for being patient with me! I recently had a death in my family so I had no motivation, but I'm hoping this helped it come back!! Hopefully, I do end up finishing the book since I have all the chapters and their polite written, I'm just not good about updating and writing :(

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