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chapter one,  rehearsals

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chapter one,  rehearsals.

    ROSALYN SEYMOUR WAS A STAR, no doubt about that. Ever since she was a child, Rosalyn—Rose—had been preforming. Along the way, her skill developed and only grew stronger as she began lessons. It was only a matter of time until she was on Broadway. And soon after that, she became one of Broadways most famous actresses.

The Tony Award nominated actress never really thought of herself as a star, she just thought she got lucky. Yes, she got roles, but was she really all that good? Hopefully, she was.

Of course, no matter how good she was, she would get rejected from certain roles. But she wasn't right for that show, and she knew that. She still, at the end of the day, got to preform. It didn't matter if it was on Broadway or in a low-budget community theater in a small town. She was just happy to be on stage.

However, when she received the news about a new Broadway musical, based on the movie Moulin Rouge! She just had to audition. And lucky for her, she got the role.

Learning Satines songs and lines was a bit overwhelming for the girl but, she managed. She learned everything just in time for the show.

The cast was amazing, everyone being incredibly talented a kind. The cast worked so well together that they all soon became friends. Well, all but two people.

From the second that Rose and Aaron met, the man who would be playing Christan and Satines love interest, the two would not stop bickering. And this wasn't any joke bickering, this was pure hatred.

No one knew why the two hated each other, but they knew better than to question it.

But even Aaron and Rose didn't know why they hated each other, it was just something that ticked the two off. They made a point to not make the rest of the cast uncomfortable, so mainly their hatred was shown when the two were privately practicing. Which was a lot.


    Rehearsals were hard. This show, unlike any other show Rose had done, had been full of fast paced songs and dances. While she wasn't primarily a dancing character, she still had to be at certain points in certain time frames. Along with that, yes, she was a singer on Broadway but sometimes her breath support wasn't the best. She would often find herself gasping after a song, but she brushed it off to everyone else's as 'she was in character'.

Today, only Rose and her cast mate, Aaron, were called in. The two were set to work on a few songs, 'Elephant Love Medley', 'Your Song', 'Come What May' and a few scenes. Normally, Rose would have been fine at a rehearsal. But this one was different, it would only be her and Aaron, and the director. The director she liked, Aaron, however...

Something about Aaron just ticked the girl off, making her hate him deeply. And it seemed that the same thing went for Aaron as he hates the girl too. Funny, the two that hate each other are the love interests in the show.

"You're late."

"You're early," Rose glared at Aaron. The director, musical director and choreographer hasn't arrived yet, leaving the two in the room alone. Rose quickly placed her bag down, and grabbed her script. The girl sat down and began to go over her lines and songs, wanting to be prepared.

"Better early than late."

"Oh, did you hear that? I liked the silence until you so rudely interrupted it." The two rolled their eyes at each other. Aaron opened his mouth to reply back but the others had arrived. Rose smiled in triumph.


     The rehearsal had been going on for about three hours now,  and they were just now running through Elephant Love Medley.

"Aaron, when you sing "it's so easy" and until you end the "take on me" portion can you like grab on to Roses waist and keep doing it as she pulls away?"

Aaron and Rose nod, doing what is asked of them. Rose had to hand it to him, Aaron was a hell of a good actor. It almost looked real.

The two went through the entire song before being dismissed from rehearsal, and Rose couldn't wait to get out of there. As she started to walk to her apart meant she noticed that Aaron was going in the same direction as her.

"What are you following me now?"

"You wish." Rose rolled her eyes at his comment, continuing to walk. She didn't even notice when Aaron had turned down a different path than her. She didn't care.

Rose already knew that they were going to make Aaron and Rose very touchy with each other, or perhaps it was just in those few songs. But she didn't like it, at all. And she would be caught dead if she ever thought otherwise.

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