chapter 12

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Milk opened the door and saw a women sitting right outside of her apartment. She couldn't see her through the door knob because the lady was sitting on the floor . The clothes of the lady were all torn off . She was begging milk to help her get inside .

The movement that lady lifted her face up and looked at Milk.

Milk eyes grew so big out of shock.
Suddenly the girl started laughing like a maniac.
She recognised that lady .

That lady was no one other than her mother .

"Nong .......milk"??????

( In shock like why my child is laughing at me ,when I look like that ).

Milk stopped laughing and helped her mom up .


"Mom get up".

She took her inside the apartment . She left her mom alone at her house and went out .

Nong went outside of that apartment and go straight to that food stall.
As soon as milk left the apartment , her mother locked the door as if someone is still chasing her .

She again sat down by the door and started crying loudly .

Meanwhile , nong milk brought a serving of noodles.
She went back to her apartment to give it to her mother .
Outside her apartment, her neighbour was standing terrified.

" Nong!!!! Don't go inside ..... Their is something....... You-you can sleep at my place tonight" .

Milk :
" Ah! It's nothing.......just mom is back"..( not so happily).

" Huh?"!!

They both opened the door and again saw Milk's mom in a very bad condition.

Neighbour :
" Mam are you okay??!!!! L-l-let me call the ambulance".
"Seems like you need an urgent treatment"!!!.

Mint ( nong Milk's mother):
"N-n-no !!!!! I don't" !!!!


Mint :

Milk transferred those noodle from the plastic bag to a bowl and gave it to her mother.

Her mother ate the whole bowl of noodles in less then 2 minute.
( As she was starving for a whole week).

"Huh??? D-d-do you have more"???

The neighbour looked at Milk.

Milk :
" No".

"Don't you have food in fridge...I'll make something".

" No we don't ".

The Neighbour took nong milk at her place out of concern.
She cooked a decent meal for Milk's mother at her place .

This time she went to nong Milk's place alone .

"Mam???mam where are you"???

This time the lady has reached the top of the bed with those dirty clothes on.

" W-what are you doing get down and go sit in a chair!"!!

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