Chapter 16 - Choosing a leader. Occupying spots.

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There's a part about this exam that I find intriguing, that is the guessing system. Like Chabiyshira said occupying a spot gives you one Point, therefore if a Class is able to occupy multiple spots for the entirety of the exam the payout in Points can be very beneficial. The issue with this strategy is the guessing system.

The guessing system makes it to where at the end of the seven days every Class is able to guess the other Classes leaders. If the guess is correct then the Class who correctly guessed is given 50 Points which is essentially taken from the Class who got their leader guessed. The penalty to this however is an incorrect guess will make your Class lose 50 Points.

It's a system which pushes Classes to try to figure out the other Classes leader, essentially putting the Classes in a mental battle. All of this makes occupying as many Points as possible a risky thing, sure you have the potential to gain a large number of Points but the chance of losing 50 is also there.

"Ayanokouji, what do you think?" Karuizawa angrily asked.

"Sorry, think about what?" I asked.

"We need to buy a toilet! Ike is trying to make us use the make shift one!" She complained.

The class looked towards me waiting for my answer. If you take a second to think you would realize that purposefully upsetting an entire half of your class due to denying better hygiene is a bad idea in this type of exam.

"We'll buy a toilet. It's only 15 Points and it'll make the girls happier." I answered.

"Thank you!" Shinohora and Karuizawa said.

"But Ayanokouji, we shouldn't be spending Points recklessly!" Yukimura called out.

"Yukimura, getting a better toilet just means better hygiene and since it's what the girls want that means they'll be more cooperative because we got it." I explained my reasoning.

Hearing my explanation he gained an embarrassed look. Apparently he hadn't thought about that.

"Let's start moving and look for a spot!" Hirata exclaimed.

With Hiratas words we set off into the forest, looking for a spot. I already had a good idea where most of the spots were, the ship circling the island gave us the information we needed and I'm sure other competent students noticed it too.

Arriving at a secluded spot in the woods Kushida asked an important question.

"Who's going to be our leader?" She asked.

Murmurs started arising from the crowd and you could hear a few students voice their opinions.

"It should be you Kushida-chan!" Ike exclaimed.

"It should obviously be Hirata!" Mii-chan countered.

"Yeah, it should be Hirata!" Karuizawa agreed.

Kushida and Hiratas fan club immediately entered a battle of nonsense. Having one of the two most prominent and outgoing students of the year be our leader isn't a good idea by any means. Of course the same could be said for me, the difference between us however is I don't talk to many people.

While people do know me they don't actually know me, they just know my name. Hirata isn't a good liar and if he was questioned by Ryueen or anyone in this year good in mind games he would certainly crack.

Kushida is a masterful liar, one worthy of praise. I highly doubt there are more than 5 students in our year capable of seeing through her farce. Of course all of that is good and would seemingly make her a suitable candidate. 

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