invisible to visible

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cutting snaps, jabs of hunter, the spirit of discord throwing everything asunder

chaos unleashed and heavily fatigued

the skies yowling with gloom, how can we renew, re discover and re-tread?

oh how do we call her from nothingness ?

oh how do we make her from abstract to concrete?

when the arrows with venom of asps strike to end one another with godspeed?

so they slowly they crafted her, "Let us name her milady Perseverance"

crafting something visible might have been easier

or chants to gain her recognition

and soon the roots of reason of her birth soon forgotten

within the folds of time and inflation

"what is this silly tale?" you may ask

i wouldn't mind if there was exasperation

perhaps it was an attempt to cleave for somethingness in this maya of miry pit

or perhaps it was a fruit of randomnessexcavation 

here is one candle for perseverance

here, take another, for strength

and another for balance

and another for gladness incensed

now place them all together,

like blocks or lego

like the pyramid of colour pencils (who hasn't made them in primary school? 0.0)

for we are wizards and witches

infusing meaning from nothingness

bringing into life of what that doesn't exist

or even better, why not make your own

little somethings, in which your satisfaction can be born
and do tell me how it does help

so that we can strive to exist

so that we can strive against the myriad of battles

be it inner or be it outer

be it for short or be it eternal

hold onto them and not let go

they are constantly with us , making us row

through tirades of turbulence and stormy shipwrecks

of contempt and misunderstandings; of collisions and explosions

a rite in the past could be meaningless in the present

and a rite we make in the present for our sustenance

would be held at derison in the future

for we are simple folks grasping at the seams

to make what's that unseen become seen

right in us 

(published at 21 may 2024)

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