Does death end love?

48 14 17

You, in whom, I laid myself to rest. Like the laying my head against a cushion-y pillow. You, who made me blest , made me high, on cloud infinity high.

We were one and I sewed myself onto you. Look at me, pining still for you!

Till death do us depart we agreed. 

Stonewalled occurred, aftermath of my inconsistent greed

You became dead to me. 

And yet does the dead stay as dead? Scientifically they are dead. Rigor mortis dead. But don't they still live on in our memories? 

You live in my memories. Your voice and your smile. Your teases and your annoyed curt moods. Your sorries, your promises, and your gestures of love and your i love yous. Especially your possessive you're mines. 

What's more I see you and hear you in people, in the weather . Just stop

I may not be able to get you to get back for me. You might have moved on. Doesn't matter to me if i have found my inner peace with the past you in my memories.

The past you bring life to me. Making me write here. People might call me dumb but I don't give a damn. I experienced being loved once and now I'm done. I don't want to experience another one when i'm content with being dumped

into you

living in me

unfaded against time

If i knew what i had the license to,Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora