Chapter Fifty Eight

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Chad popped his head up as he heard his name. As they grew closer and closer to Ginny's due date, he had been jumpier than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Understandably so, since this was likely to be Ginny's only pregnancy, but it had gotten to the point where Akiho had once told him he needed to relax.

Chad wasn't entirely sure Akiho was the best person to tell someone they needed to relax, considering he watched Elle like a hawk during both of her pregnancies, but that was besides the point.

"Yeah Gin?" Chad asked as Ginny made her way into the kitchen.

"I think it might be time to make our way to the hospital," Ginny told him.

Chad froze as he turned to look at his wife. "Why? What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine, my water broke while I was in the shower. Contractions are about fifteen minutes apart so we should be able to make it to the hospital with enough time to spare," Ginny said as she held up a bag. "I have my go bag all ready so unless there's something you'd like to have to pass the time if it's a long labor, I'd say let's get this show on the road."

"...How are you so calm right now?" Chad asked as he scurried to his wife's side and took the bag from her.

"I'm a VK, Chad. Do you know how many times we had it drilled into us that showing any emotion was a weakness?" Ginny asked before grunting slightly at a contraction. "I will say though, it's nice to be in Auradon where we have a medical system. No disrespect of course but...I'd rather not have your step-grandmother being the person to help me birth our child."

"I'm pretty sure everyone in the family agrees with you on that," Chad said. "And yes, that includes Dizzy."

Ginny chuckled slightly as Chad gently helped her into the limo, making sure she was completely in before closing the door and scurrying into the other side.

"Where to sir?" Richard asked.

"The hospital, Richard," Chad said as he shut the door and took Ginny's hand so she'd have something to squeeze if a contraction hit while they were on the road.

"Yes sir," Richard nodded. "Would you like me to roll up the divider so you and Princess Ginny have some privacy?"

"That would be appreciated, thank you Richard," Chad nodded and watched as Richard rolled the divider up.

" least we'll have some company at the hospital," Ginny said with a small smile. "Didn't Akiho and Elle check into the hospital a few days early so Elle could be set up with her water birth?"

"Oh yeah...wait, are we sure that's a good thing? Having Akiho in his worried state as company?" Chad asked, hiding his wince as Ginny squeezed his hand.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, it's their second kid," Ginny said. "Though...if no one's watching Emily, I could see Akiho being worried there. Labor would be difficult for a young kid to watch. Not that I would know being the younger child. Were you in the room when your mom gave birth?"

"Not a chance," Chad shook his head. "I was two and four respectively, there was no way my parents would let me be in the room when mom was giving birth. I'm pretty sure mom would have killed dad if he brought me into the room when she was giving birth, especially when she was giving birth to Kat and Lucy."

Ginny chuckled slightly and then groaned as another contraction came.

"Richard? I don't mean to be rude but I think we might need to go faster," Chad called. "In fact, if you can get us to the hospital in the next fifteen minutes, I'll double your salary."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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