Chapter Fifty Seven

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Ben smiled as Mal's eyes slowly opened and she looked at him. The day they had been waiting for had arrived and they had welcomed their third child into the world, thankfully without the stress of the first time.

"That went much more smoothly than last time, huh?" Ben asked as he gently brushed a bit of hair out of Mal's eyes. The doctor had said they had put her under general anesthesia though Ben had his doubts. Not because he doubted the doctor's words, but that he doubted that Mal had truly been under due to her status as the daughter of Hades.

"From what the doctor said, planned caesarians often go more smoothly than unplanned ones," Mal said, her voice soft as she smiled up at him before gently squeezing his hand. She knew he had been worried; even as she'd been faking being completely under to humor the doctor Mal had been able to feel how tense Ben had been and she knew why.

After all, Audrey's caesarian with Paige had been planned and they both knew what the result of that had been.

It was for that reason that Mal had made sure to gently rub her thumb on the back of Ben's hand during the procedure, as if to give her husband a sign that she was alright.

"How's the baby?" Mal asked, breaking the silence.

"She is just fine," Ben said. "Chip's waiting with her in the nursery while I waited for you to wake up."

Mal smiled as she heard that before pausing. "And Effy and Reese?"

"They're with Jay and Lonnie, enjoying their time with Jaxson," Ben said, giving Mal a small smile. He wasn't even surprised that she had forgotten they had dropped the kids off, considering she'd had a million things running through her mind at the time.

"Good," Mal said with a small smile. "I still want to see them though."

"They'll be by later today," Ben said. "Especially since it's nap time right now."

"Oh right," Mal nodded. "Why didn't we have one of our parents watch the kids?"

Ben chuckled. "Because we both agreed that Jay would be the least likely to spoil the kids and we wouldn't come home to the kids with a flying carpet or chariot or another private library."

"Harry was just as unlikely to spoil them though."

"Jay also only has the one kid and doesn't have an infant to juggle along with being a working single parent while his wife is away like Uma is right now."

"Oh, right," Mal nodded before pausing. "Why didn't we ask Hadie?"

"Because your parents had already asked him to watch Rea and Genevieve since they figured they'd be here if they weren't going to watch the kids," Ben told her with a fond smile.

Mal shook her head. "I should know all of this shouldn't I? Dunno where my brain is today."

"Well don't forget Dragon, you did just have a major surgery even if you are a Godling," Ben said, his fond smile still gracing his lips. "It'd make sense you'd be a bit out of it."

"Can I see her?" Mal asked.

"I was waiting for you to ask," Ben said as he leaned down to kiss Mal on the forehead. "I'll be right back."

"I'll be right here," Mal told him and Ben walked out to get their daughter. Mal didn't have to wait for too long, though, before Ben walked back in with a small bundle in his arms.

"May I present our beautiful baby girl, Bianca Abigail Uma Le Bête," Ben said as he gently placed her in Mal's arms. "I'm sure the twins will come up with a nickname for her though."

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