Chapter Fifty Six

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*Some things mentioned in this chapter are references to future events in LotusQuil's fic located on FFN/Ao3. We wanted to keep the universe cohesive hence my mentioning them here* 

Hadie took a calming breath as he rolled out his shoulders to loosen them before he grinned as he looked around at all his friends who had gathered in Lacey LeGume's dance studio. He had commandeered the dance studio for a very special purpose—it was his and Alexandria's anniversary and by gum, he wanted to make it one to remember.

Lacey had been kind enough to give him lessons for years, both on the Isle though they had o be in secret and in Auradon, and now it seemed as though all that practice would finally pay off.

"I still think you're insane," Celia told him and Hadie looked over at her. "I mean the dance would be enough but are you seriously wearing black?"

"Actually he's not," Dizzy said as she spoke up. "I know the scene in question that we're performing had everyone wearing black but I didn't want anyone to be too uncomfortable so for us VKs at least, I made our outfits in the shade of midnight blue. It's the darkest shade of blue there is and can often be mistaken for black. Plus it won't clash with Hadie's hair."

"Working with Evie sure has paid off for you, huh Diz?" Celia asked and Hadie smiled as Lacey went over and kissed Dizzy on the cheek. Oh yeah, that had been a fun surprise for Hadie and Celia to discover. They had gone over to Evie4Heart's to surprise Dizzy and bring her some lunch one day only to find her mid kiss with the youngest LeGume girl.

Dizzy had been worried that they would be mad but Celia reminded her that they didn't care that Harriet liked girls or that Dustin liked guys. The only thing they cared about was that they had somehow made Dizzy feel like she couldn't tell them. They had then treated Dizzy to all of her favorite things to try to make it up to her. It had only been recently that Dizzy had told them that she and Lacey had only been trying to take things slow and that was why she hadn't said anything. She would have told them that day but they had been so determined to do all her favorite things to 'make it up to her' that she didn't have the heart to say anything.

Well at least them finding out also led to Celia finally bringing Cyrus into the fold and introducing him to the group. The Hun boy was rather quiet but as long as he treated his friend the way he should, Hadie didn't care if Cyrus didn't say one word to him.

"Hard to believe how much has changed," Evan said from his spot next to Hermie Fitzherbert née Bing; the two of them having gotten married about a year after Mal had given birth to Effy and Reese. "In a good way, though."

Melody shook her head in amusement. "Honestly, I don't think anything's really changed other than the fact that we've all kinda paired off. Well except for Herkie."

"Look, Macaria somehow got Gil. I don't know how Herkie's going to surprise us when the time comes for him to get a partner," Hadie chuckled before tossing Evan a small box. "Keep that safe for me?"

"Just like we practiced," Evan nodded and pocketed the box.

CJ shook her head. "Honestly Hadie, do you really expect us not to notice that was a ring box you just tossed to Evan?"

"Yeah, and do you really expect us not to put two and two together that we've been practicing the dance from Alexandria's favorite scene from one of her favorite movies?" Ashaki asked. "You're going to propose to her!"

"Well I won't if you manage to blow the surprise," Hadie shook his head. "I've been studying that scene for months and the fact that it ends with the two of them in the room alone..."

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