Ch 13"Oh no. . ."

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Sebastian's POV

I stand there, helpless, looking at them and then at Eliza several times.

"This is not good." I say to myself. I take out my phone and dial Jacob's number. They are a bit far, for Eliza to hear them.

"Hey, where are you, I thought you arrived first." Jacob says. I look at them, and I see that they stopped walking.

Thank God.

"Hello?" Jacob says.

"Uh yeah, where are you?" I ask.

"We are in the backyard. Where are you?" He counter asks me.

"Get out of the there." I say to them, ignoring his question.

"Why?" I look at them.

"Because I said so, you aren't supposed to be there. I have a few guests coming. So leave." I rapdily say.

"It's okay, we can meet them too, right Ken?"

"Yeah," I hear Ken's voice in the background.

"See you in the backyard."

"No wai-" Jacob cuts the call before I could finish talking. I curse under my breath and look at them approaching near the swing.

This is not going to be good. Suddenly, they stop walking. I can see them looking towards Eliza.

"Whose that?" I slightly hear Ken say, whose pointing at the swing.

"I dont know." Jacob also stares at her.

"Hey!" Ken shouts, making Eliza turn to see them. She gets out of the swing. I see them say more things to Eliza, but I dont hear them. I am too worried about what she will say, react. I launch towards them.

"Hey Ken, Jacob." I say to them.

" Yoo, why are you breathing so heavily?" Ken asks. Both of them look at me, forgetting about Eliza, who is also looking at me.

"Me? No, you are just imagining things." I say, panting.

"You are literally - you know what, forget it, who is she?" Jacob asks me.

"Uh, she, uhh, she is, uh umm." I can't bring the words to say, "I don't know what to say." I glance over her, who realises what's happening. I look at her. She has been staring at me since I came here. Her eyes are wide, and it looks like she is in shock. I don't know why. I hope not because of them, but she just keeps staring. When I dont break, I contact, she clears her throat, looks down, then at Jacob.

"Hi, I am Eliza Bennett, the personal assistant of Sebastian." She says, smiling towards them.

"Oh. . . his PA, huh?" Ken looks at her then at me, smirking.

Oh no. . . here we go.

"Hi, I am Jacob Brown -" He forwards his hand, and she takes it, shaking hand. " And this is Ken Akimitsu. We are both friends of Sebastian." Eliza looks at Ken and smiles.

Ken gets a little close to me and whispers to my ear.

"She is your girlfriend, right?" He says, covering one side of his mouth with his hand.

"Shut up, Ken. She is not. She is just my PA." I push him away irritated. He again leans in and whispers.

"Good then, cuz she is hot, dude." These words make me clench my jaw, my veins coming out. I want to snap his neck. I glare at him, gritting my teeth.

"Woah woah, what's up with that face." He says to me. I manage to control myself and breathe.

"How long have you been his PA?" Jacob asks her a sudden question, but maybe because he wants to drift my attention towards him, because I think he saw that I wanted to murder Ken.

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