Chapter 10: I'm sorry.

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I walked out of the bathroom, yawning. Velvet had gone to bed about  an hour ago. I myself was pretty tierd. I walk into the bedroom. Velvet was sleeping under the covers, she looked so peacfull.

I begin walking over to the bed, and I step on something.

I look down and see an orange medicine bottle. Where did this come from?

I pick it up, it was a bottle of sleeping medication. The hell???

It was empty.

I look at my sister again. She was so still. It was almost like...

She wasn't breathing.

Oh shit.

I pull the covers off my sister and feel her chest for a heartbeat.

It was faint. REALLY faint.

I panic.

No no no no no no no no!

I lift her up and drag her into the bathroom.

"VELVET!" I shake her.

No response.

I layed her in the tub and turned on the water.

"VELVET! ANSWER ME! DON'T DIE ON ME SIS!" I scream as I shake her. Come on, come on, COMEON!!!

"What's going on?!" Orchid's worried voice comes from the door.

"She took a fucking overdose! COME ON VELVET! WAKE UP!" I was having a panic attack.

Suddenly, to my relief, she began coughing.

She threw up this weird substance as her eyes fluttered open.

"OH THANK GOD!" I pull her into a hug.

"V-Veneer?" Her voice was barely a whisper.

I pull out of the hug and shake her shoulders.


"What the hell?" Ritz, Lenny, and the small trolls peered into the room.

"I-" Velvet looked down at her hands and started sobbing into them. "I don't desurve to be alive. I DESURVE to rot in hell."

"No, no, no, no, NO! Velvet you don't deserve to die!" I said as I hugged her again.

"I DO TOO! After everything I did?" She sobbed.

"No Vels..." Orchid knelt down and put a hand on her shoulder.

Velvet looked up at her, her lower lip jutting out and her jaw quivering. "Why are you on his side? Why are you being so nice to me after what I did? I lied to you Orchid! Don't you hate me?!"

"No... no Velvet... I could never hate you. I don't like that you lied to me, but we can work through it. Just like when we were younger." Orchid whispered, cupping Velvet's face in her hands.

They hugged, and I watched Orchid pull her to her feet, and lead her out.

I looked over at Ritz and Lenny. Ritz was starring at the floor, and Lenny pursed her lips.

"Thank God you found her in time. That could've been the last time we'd ever see her." Lenny whispers.

"Yeah..." Was all I could say.

"Goodnight." She says, walking to the bedroom.

I look over at Ritz.

"I, I'm sorry about Velvet. I'm glad you were able to save her." He murmers. It was the most he'd said to me since this morning.

"Thanks." I muttered.

He snorts and looks up at me, his violet eyes putting me in a trance for a sec.

He leaned forward and hugged me.

I hug him back, and we stay like that for a while.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I'm so sorry for everything. I should've never let Velvet use Floyd. I should've called the the police, or... or taken him away from her! Maybe if I had, we wouldn't be here."

"You're right. You should've done something. But don't apologize to me for what you did to Floyd, apologize to the one who got hurt." Ritz whispered, pulling out of the hug.

"Aren't you hurt?" I asked.

"Yes..." He muttered, so quietly I almost couldn't here him. "But I wasn't the one getting my life sucked out of me."

I nodded. "You're right. I'm sorry I lied. I should've just told you, even if you got mad, at least you'dve known."

He nodded slightly.

We stood there for a while, before he began walking to the bedroom door. He stopped at the knob. "You know, I'm never gonna be able to forgive you for that, but, maybe one day, we'll get a second chance. But right now, I need space."

"Yeah... you're right." I said.

"Goodnight Venn- Veneer." He walked into the room, leaving me standing in the bathroom door.

Helloooooooooooooooooo! Y'all didn't think I'd really kill off Velvet did ya? HELL NO! Hope y'all enjoyed! Thanks for reading! <3

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