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Vegi is not a spelling mistakes, it's nickname for Vegas called by his boyfriend Tay 💞 😁

Okay let's get into Chapter......


MAY 29th

Tay vegas villa

Its been weeks, please help me Tay i have tried everything to talk to porsche. If you and vegas  talk and explain to porsche, my po will agree to give me a chance please tay please.

Hmmm......  sit down please, stop walking in circles kinn.

I am losing my mind, Arghhh!!!!!  My porsche never been this angry. You said give him sometime but what if he completely forgets about me and moves on.


Without him how can live ...  if he moves on,how can i watch him with someone else!!!!!!

Can you please calm dow....

I think i will go crazy, i am so unlucky i could not have the people  i love, i will ....

"STOP IT KINNN". I had enough!! listening to your rant, i said SIT.

Kinn sat quitely.

Tay took a deep breath, "Aren't you the reason for what have happened and happening".

((Kinn looks towards tay about to say something but he stopped))

I know, what your thinking, you want to say "yes i know its my fault,i am trying to slove and i am apologising for it i can do my lifetime etc".  Right. 

(( Kinns quite, eyes on the floor ))

"You are selfish kinn".

I am sorry i am saying this, it might hurt you but yes you are selfish kinn. You think only about yourself.       
       You said you cant live without him, How will you be able to see him with others, its you,you and only you.
         Have you thought what porsche gone through and going through because of you.

(Kinn lifted is eyes looking at Tay)

There was no reason to be possessive or jealous kinn when porsche eyes was always looking for you his heart was longing for you, yet you accused him of cheating, that too for money.

Tay.... i did not...

Shut up kinn, you fucking idiot who met his ex spent time with him. 

As i said tay, i only wanted to end things on good note... so...

Ugggghhh!!!!!!  good note... happy note....

          Dont keep saying that kinn its making me to punch you. What good note tell me??? TELL ME Tay yelled.
         I have seen you suffer god daam it. The pain you went through the humiliations. How many times you were injured by him you know thats called violence domestic violence.
        It was paining me after all that you stayed in that relationship for long. When i heard you say your relationship broke up  with him. I wanted to be happy and throw a party but i couldn't do it. Do you know why because he broke you kinn. The kinn i know was not there anymore only empty shell. How i tried and tried to bring you back to life yet you  pretending to be all okay but not, seeing you like that how painful it was for me.

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