𝔗𝔢𝔞𝔪 𝔄

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I was now in the third selection dining hall, with everyone else. I sat with the players from my old team with consisted of Isgai, Bachira, Chigiri, Gagamaru, Raichi, and Igarashi. I sat in the corner between Isgai and Chigiri. I had spaced out and didn't notice that someone was calling me.

"Earth to (Y/N)." Chigiri waved his hand front of my face.

"Huh? What's up? My bad kind of spaced out." I placed my chopsticks down and the bowl of rice I had in my hand.

"What team are you going to chose?" He asked me.

"Yea (Y/N)~ What team are you going to chose?" Bachira scooted closer to the edge of his seat, waiting for my answer.

"Uh, I have no idea. Probably Team A, since I have already gotten to know Rin and how he plays. He plays reckless even if it's hard to tell, but he always had a strategy no matter what. And the other guy on Team A, Ryusei Shidou. I can tell that he is definitely a reckless player, willing to even hurt another player. Though in the end the other teams might be good. I have not seen Team B play at all, so I have nothing to criticize or say something about. Lastly, with Team C, I've only played with Nagi. He is someone that needs to leads him, or that's how it was before when he was Reo. That might have leveled up when he was in a Team with Bachira and Isgai in the second selection. Though in the end, I might still want to go with Team A." I just stared at my half full bowl of rice, while just rambling on. When I finally stopped, I saw everyone with wide eyes staring at me. "Oh well- Uh...thats what I think."

"Wow (Y/N)!~ You observed mostly all the player that you played with or played against! That's so cool!" Bachira stared with eyes that almost sparked.

"Yea, you are decent." Raichi grumbled, while stuffing his face with food.

"Oh so, you might go with Team A. That does seem like a good pick, but wasn't that guy- uh what's his name...oh it was Ryusei Shidou. Wasn't he like being weird towards you when you like pinned him down, when we were in the joint room?" Chigiri asked me.

"You don't have to worry, I can handle him." I went back to eating not seeing the blushing faces on the males around me.


I was now walking out of the shower room and to the place where the sinks were. My hair was in a tight bun since I liked to keep a little water in my hair when I brush it. I made my way to the door and I saw Isgai and Barou brushing their teeth, while having a conversation. I walked in not caring about them and went to a counter where there was a mirror. I got a brush out of the cabinet and let my hair down. I then started brushing my hair.

As I was brushing my hair, I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned to see who it was and it was Niko.

"Hey uh...Can you please leave, I don't like people seeing me wash my forehead." He lifted his hand, where there was a face wash tube.

"Yea, for sure." I put the brush back and walked to the door to exit.

"Thanks." Was all I heard from him before I left. I made it to my room and sat on my bed.

"(Y/N), what team are you going to pick." Aryu asked, already laying under the covers of his bed.

"Uh probably Team A, what about you?" I turned to him putting my hair in three sections so I could do a braid.

"Wow so stylish of you, me too. Hope we can work together on one of the matches." He said, putting a sleeping mask on his eyes.

"Yea, good night." I finished doing my braid and got by bed ready so I could go to sleep. Once laying down, I passed out.


The selection deadline is here. The third selection final assignment will begin shortly. Upon changing into your playsuit, please assemble as quickly as possible.

I groaned as I saw everyone in the room that I was in already getting dressed.

'Jeez, why am I so tried. Anyways I should probably get ready'

By the time I got up the rest had already left. I quickly got dressed and put my hair down from the braid it was in. My curls fell perfectly when I undid the braid and lightly separated my hairs, so I just walked to the assembly area like that. Once I walked in the assembly area, the announcer started to say something.

Now then, time to tally the votes. Taking into account both first and second choices we will now present the team divisions.

With that the screen changed to the groups that are in each team. There were 12 people in Team A, 9 people in Team B, and 8 people on Team C.

'Looks like I made it to Team A'

There will be a total of five matches, For the final match, (Y/N) will join Team C.

'That gives me time to spectate the other players'

There will be an interval of six hours between each match. Furthermore, in the interest of fairness, player will not be able to observe other matches.

'Or not'

Now then, for the first match between A and B will randomly choose the groups of three.

Team A's first player...Nijiro Nanase!

Next, the second player...Yoh Hiori!

And the third player for Team A... Yoichi Isgai!

The announcer continued saying the names of the players for the opposite team, Chigiri was one of those players.

Now then, you six put on your vests and proceed to take the entrance gate.

Just like that the third selection had started.


Another chapter finished! 😮‍💨 Uh but I this chapter is a little shorter bc 🤷‍♀️. But I hope this was good enough 😋
Anyways don't forget to vote please🤍

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