𝔐𝔞𝔱𝔠𝔥 𝔲𝔭

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   I was training with the yellow highlights boy, then soon finished. I grabbed my water and drank it.

   "Hey, Rin-chan.." the boy said.

   "Yea?" I slightly turned my head. He then started talking really weird, he asked me if I had a monster in me too.

   'What a weirdo'

   I didn't want to waste anymore of my time so I headed to the door and walked out. Though, before I was fully out, that kid named Isagi was there.

   "Yo, Bachira. I've been looking for you." He mentioned to the yellow eyed behind me. "Like I promised I came to steal you back."

   'Ugh, what a prick'

   " Let's battle , Rin." Isagi had turned his attention to me and stared with determination.

   'They rather lose again'


   I was in the room just talking to Aryu, when Rin and Bachira walked in.

   "Get ready. We have a match against the kid, Isagi, again." Rin had announced.

   "What? Really?" I tilted my head.

   "Yes. Now hurry up and go to the locker room, so we can get this over with." Rin walked out of the room.

   'Damn what a bitch'

   "Ok, let's go." I motioned over to Bachira and Aryu.


No one's POV

   Rin's team had made it to the field, where Isagi's team was already waiting.

   "Ok, let's get started." Bachira had a menacing smile on his face. When suddenly Aryu had walked up to Chigiri, who was now on Isagi's team.

   "Hey Redhead...What kind of conditioner do you use?" Aryu went to grab a strand of hair, twisting jt in his finger

   "Uh the one in the bathroom, same as everyone else."

   From there and a few minutes, Aryu was talking about how stylish his hair was and Chigiri had said something about Aryu's name. That's when Aryu started becoming very dramatic because of the comment.


   "Aryu... your plenty stylish. Come on you're going to tire yourself out before we even start the match." (Y/N) walked up to Aryu, trying to calm him down.

   "(Y/N), do you think I'm stylish?" Aryu looked up through his hair, covering parts of his face.

   "Yes yes, now come on Aryu." (Y/N) reached under his shoulder and pulled him up.

   'Damn, she's strong' Aryu thought.

   "Now ima-" (Y/N) started but was cut off my a voice.

   "Will you shut the hell up!?" a muscular, tall guy yelled. (Y/N) had recognized him from one of the matches when we was in Team Z. It was Shouei Barou.

   "Calm down, what's the rush." (Y/N) looked over her shoulder to see the guy fuming.

   "Get in formation already...let's do this." Barou said irritated.

   "Don't get your panties in a bunch, we have enough time. We don't any better place to be, besides our rooms." (Y/N) gave him a snarky response. Barou didn't like this and walked close to her.

   "Shut up! I just know that we are going to beat you so why waste time with talking, when we can just get this match over with." Barou shouted at her, pulling her by the collar of the red jersey she was wearing.

   "Let. Go. Of. Me. Stop being a bitch. We'll play eventually when Aryu gets his act straight." (Y/N) grabbed his hands and managed to get his grip off her collar.



SOOO SORRY THAT I  HAVENT BEEN POSTING. I've been busy w school since i have like 4 more weeks n i have testing to do. But since I don't have school this friday ima stay up late to post more chapters. This was a little short but next one might be lengthy...I hope.
Anyways, don't forget to vote please 🤍

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