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Reader POV

I was running on the treadmill, keeping a steady pace and focused on my breathing pattern.

"You two are weak!" A blonde, shark teethed boy criticized Isagi and Igarashi. "You! Eh you're ok." He said to me just glancing at me.

"Oh thanks? By the way, what's your name again?" I asked while I sweatdropped. "Ugh, my name is Raichi Jingo." He replied to me, annoyed.

"Right I gotta remember that." I mumbled to myself. As I talked to myself both Isagi and Igarashi gave up on continuing the treadmill. I saw both of them huffing and trying to catch their breath. I lightly smiled as I stopped my own treadmill, and walked off it. Though I regularly do conditioning, I really pushed myself on the treadmill and my legs felt like jelly when I got off. I bent down and put my hands on my knees to regain some sort of balance.

"(Y/N) are you ok?" Kunigami asked me placing his hand on my back.

"Yea, i'm fine. Why you ask?" (Y/N) I responded to him.

"Oh it's because you look really pale." He continued.

"Really? Oh I just kind of pushed past my limit, but i'm fine now. No need to worry so much." I told him, as I walked off not waiting for him to answer.


I had finally finished doing my workout and it was around night time due to everyone being in their rooms already, sleeping. I went to the wash room and took a quick shower. After I got changed I went to the refectory to get something to eat. I didn't want something so big so I just got a glass of water, some white rice, and nicely seasoned edamame. I went to a table that was obviously empty and began to eat.

"Oh (Y/N), you're here." I looked up to see Chigiri standing at the entrence.

"Hey Chigiri. Were you looking for me?" I asked him, slowing my pace in eating.

"Well yea I sort of was, Igarashi snores woke me up and I noticed that you weren't there. Wanted to make sure you were ok." He said to me, walking to the empty seat in front of me and sitting down.

"Oh yea yea, i'm fine thanks for worrying." I said to him. "Was anyone else missing?"

"Yup, Bachira and Isagi, but I found out that they were training." the cherry haired boy stated.

"Figured-" I started before getting cut off from the announcement alarm.

We've finished compiling the data from the past three days' stamina test. Please return to your rooms. We will present the new rankings.

"Well then looks like we should go back." I said standing up with my tray and throwing it away. I looked back to see if Chigiri was going to follow he looked dumbfounded until I said, "Come on Chigiri, last one there is a rotten egg." I quickly jogged to the room with a slower paced jog from Chigiri behind me. We soon reached the room and opened the door, everyone was excited in some type of way. Igarashi was excited because he went from 300 to 275. I looked at my shoulder area and saw that I went from 294 to 269.

"Wow (Y/N), what an odd last two numbers." Kunigami stated. I just stared at him, as he sweatdropped at my expression. Then Ego appeared on the screen telling us that there were 25 other people that got disqualified and that people were in the same ranking, though it seemed like they moved up.

"Looks like you are still at the bottom, Igarashi." I commented to him. He started somewhat sobbing at what I said.

"Ok enough, diamonds in the rough." Ego started and continued on to say how the 5 different hexagons were holding 25 strikers and they were all put into teams of 5. So there are basically 25 teams in total.

"Whoever is best at soccer there is king. If you want a nice life, then win and boost yourselves. Now then, let's begin blue lock's first section." Ego finished and everyone grinned, while I just started at the screen with a neutral expression.


   This was an ok chapter. It wasn't the best, but at least I got something out for you guys. The next chapter will hopefully be better! 🤍

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