Part 10

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Travis' POV:

I loved watching Tay preform however I had a flight home to catch very soon, I had a few extremely important meetings that would need to be attended making me unfortunately miss her first few Paris shows. Harper had so far been great with Andrea and no issues had been raised so I presumed that I would be able to leave with no problems. If I got a call from Andrea saying she needed me I would immediately cancel my flights however we agreed that unless I really needed to stay we wouldn't put a pause on my meetings and job.

Just as I turned around to leave I felt a tap on my shoulder, as I turned around Andrea was stood there, she looked panicked and stressed. "Travis, she's just woken up, she is screaming and crying and she wants Taylor and I don't know what to do. She's so upset and in so much pain."

I didn't hesitate before running to the room where the two had been while Harper slept. I immediately knelt beside the small girl who was rolling all over the floor screaming and crying, both in pain and in desperation for Taylor. "Hey sweet girl it's me, calm down, come on the more you roll around and cry the more your stomach will hurt because you're moving it. Please let's take a big breath and calm down."

I was trying my best but it was no use, she just continued to roll around on the floor screaming and holding onto her stomach at the same time. I tried my best to put down my hand and hold her still however it wasn't working she began to kick and hit. Part of me knew that I needed to lay down rules and stop her, however another part of me knew that she was just in pain and probably confused about everything. 

"It's me teavvy, I'm just as good as Tay Tay can be, why don't you come and cuddle with me and we can watch a movie? No you don't want to?" I continued, attempting to calm her still. Thankfully I heard a familiar clicking of heels in a rush toward the door before it burst open.

"Hey my mom came to get me and told us all to take an early lunch break. Is everything okay here?" Tay asked, sounding out of breath and covered in sweat from all the dancing she was doing. Her eyes soon landed on Harper on the floor before slowly going over and kneading down beside the toddler.

I watched as harpers eyes made their way to meet Taylor's and she reached up one arm, allowing the other to stay against her painful stomach. "Yeah baby it's me I'm here, I can't stay for long though so how about we get up off the floor and cuddle then when I leave you can cuddle with… Travvy?"

"Dad." Harper corrected her, despite her pain she still found the time to give a little bit of sass.

"Okay okay, less of the attitude please." Taylor joked as she picked up the sobbing girl and sat down on the sofa with her. Andrea had returned with a hot water bottle to place on the girls stomach as we had been informed that head would help with the pain as well as the painkillers that they had given her. Taylor managed to convince her to take the medicine before lying back more and putting on the tv.

I watched harper gradually stop crying before she slowly began to fall asleep cuddled up against Taylor. Not wanting to shock the girl when she work up we decided to move her over to me so that she knew who she would be with before she fell asleep and Taylor left. As Tay stood up she gave me a quick kiss and a sorry, clearly she knew that the meetings needed to be canceled and understood how important they had been but I was a dad now and parenting is more important than some meetings.

Andrea wandered over to us handing over one of Taylor's hoodies to Harper, both Tay and I looked at her confused as to why. "It's got Taylor's scent on it so when she wakes up she is going to immediately smell Taylor. It might just keep her on the calmer side and stop her from freaking out when she does wake up. She will also know then that Taylor hasn't gone anywhere because she knows she's left something with her." She explained to us.

Smart woman.

Taylor's POV

Once I had finished my rehearsals for the day, I said a quick goodbye to Travis as he had to leave for his flight. Harper was still asleep however I knew she would be waking up soon so I made a stop at McDonald's and picked up a happy meal. My mom had informed me that she had refused to eat all day and that she felt sick from pain. My poor little baby.

I looked over when I heard a small whine from the car seat next to me. I could see her little arms stretching a little before she clung onto the hoodie my mom had given her and nuzzled her face into it. Her adorable little actions made my heart melt. As we came to a stop I reached my hand over to unbuckle her before gently moving her hair out of her face and lifting her head away from the hoodie. I really needed her awake otherwise it would be a long night.

There was a lot of whining and crying but we eventually made it out of the car and I helped her into the hotel. "Hey sweetheart I got you a happy meal can you please try to eat some?" I asked her.

She shook her head rapidly and it's only then that I remembered how long it had actually been since I saw her properly eat, it was before we had even come to Paris. Since then she had either been throwing up or in pain. Poor baby must be starving but I soon wondered if maybe she was thinking a bit deeper into the though of it. Perhaps all the throwing up made her worry about throwing up again.

"Are you scared to throw up?" I asked her. Her wide eyes met mine and she nodded slowly, seeming confused as to how I knew what she was feeling. I smiled a little and made my way over to her. I quickly pulled the small girl into my lap and held her close to me.

"Sweetie, I'm your momma right?" I asked, she nodded.

"Mommy's know when the baby isn't well and is sick, and I know you're not sick anymore. I think we could try just one chicken nugget and see how it goes, if you don't feel well after then that's okay no more but if you're fine we carry on yeah? I promise you you're not going to be sick though." I told her, finishing off with a small kiss to her forehead.

I handed over a chicken nugget and watched as she took tiny little bites. Afterward she seemed hesitant however she knew she felt fine, she didn't want to push herself too far but she had one more chicken nugget and a few fries so I was happy to know she had something in her. Afterward I could hear little whines, I could tell how much pain she was in.

Clearly her more sensitive and clingy side comes out when she's in pain and tired. I offered her a movie but she shook her head, every time I asked what she wanted and told her to tell me she would refuse. "Honey I need you to be a big girl and use your words." I told her.

This lead to even more whining and she snuggled up closer. I took a moment to think before standing up and getting her a pacifier and a sippy cup of milk before laying on the sofa with her and passing her them both. "Wan both!" She whined, trying to fit both in her mouth. I suddenly found myself in a sticky situation

As a new parent I never knew what was a good move or not, the pacifier clearly was however that was bad enough for her age. I really didn't want to push her even further behind where she should be for her age but the only solution would be a bottle. I couldn't get her attached to the item though and have to deal with her constantly wanting it especially at age 3.

Her wines were slowly getting louder and louder, nothing was comforting her at all and she clearly wanted both but couldn't. I felt awful watching her frown in pain and discomfort too. Someone and something had to comfort her, I could help for the most part but the idea of giving her a bottle really did leave me unsure.

Eventually I just had to turn to the person I could trust the most for some advice. My mom.

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