Part 7

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Taylor got the opposite of the night she had hoped for. Harper spent most of the night throwing up and of course that meant that Taylor was sitting right by her despite how awful she found the whole situation. They had to be up at 4:30 for their flight and by 3 am no one had even managed to sleep. Travis was spending the night cleaning up puke from the tiny bed and running back and forth with medicine, water and pillows.

By the time it got to 4:30 harper had finally stopped throwing up and was now asleep on the bathroom floor leaning against Taylor's fron. Travis popped his head in and smiled at the two. "Hey we need to be getting sorted and leaving, I don't know if you want to go in your pyjamas or get changed but our alarm would be going off around now." He whispered.

Taylor nodded a little. Trying to move harder as little as possible came quite a challenge to the blonde haired woman however she managed and carried Harper out of the bathroom, placing her in her and Travis' bed before getting into her normal day clothes. She changed Harper into a onesie as she had originally been sitting in just a Tshirt trying to cool down as her fever had gone extremely high.

By 5:30 the three were seated on Taylor's private jet and just waiting on a few members of Taylor's team. The main struggle was keeping the sick toddler awake until they could take off as she was over tired and desperate to be held.

Harpers POV

Fell asleep against Taylor on the bathroom floor and somehow woke up in a seat with a seatbelt across me. Taylor had woken me, she told me she needed me awake for takeoff but I didn't like that, I wanted cuddles and I was feeling a little bit sick again. As the plane started moving I felt Taylor's hand reach over for mine, I had no idea why, I've never been on a plane before so I was quite excited.

I felt the plane tip back and I suddenly became scared, we were just flying and going up and I didn't like it, it felt so weird. I suddenly felt so much pain in my ears and felt myself starting to feel the familiar feeling in my throat again. This time Taylor was quick to notice and grabbed a paper bag, holding it out in front of me.

That's when it all started up again.

I just couldn't stop for a while, Taylor's mom helped me out too, she held a bucket for me when we realized the bag wasn't good enough which meant that Taylor could help me out. It must have been almost an hour later when I stopped as the pane had now evened out and the map had a long line showing where we had gotten to.

I couldn't help it I just started sobbing. I continued to reach for Taylor over and over again but she kept telling me that she didn't want me to take off my seatbelt as it's safer on than it is off. This went on for hours until I noticed a bunch of plates at the table and studied hers, she was having steak and so was Travis, usually they would eat that when I went to bed and they wanted to eat together. I didn't want that.

"Look, we got you some pasta." Taylor told me, I could feel her hand gently rubbing my back but I took no notice. I was not calming unless she held me, it's a way of proving a point. The pasta didn't look right, it wasn't like the one Taylor made me, it had weird pieces of chicken in it and some vegetables too.

I watched her put some on a fork and hold it to my mouth but it made me cry more. It smelt different, I wanted the pasta that Taylor made me not this one, I don't like the vegetables and chicken with my pasta. I continued to cry for a long time, people were starting to get a bit bored of me I think.

I also didn't feel like eating after how much I had been throwing up. Why wouldn't anyone understand why I was upset, I wanted Huggies.

Taylor's POV

I took a quick trip to the bathroom after lunch and anyone would have thought the world was ending with how much Harper had begun to scream. I couldn't get a minute to take a breath and stop myself from crying. I had no idea what she wanted or what else to do, she hadn't stopped crying for over an hour and she hadn't eaten either.

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