Part 5

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Taylor sat beside Travis, looking at her hands in her lap nervously. She felt Olivia come and sit beside her then Benjamin curled up in her lap. Meredith slept by Harper every night so she was out of sight. Taylor gently pet her two cats before taking a deep breath.

"I checked she was okay, I thought that because she stopped crying as soon as she had the pacifier she would be fine. You just attacked me the second you got in and Travis you're really scary when you do that. You're a man practically double my size screaming at me and getting closer and closer and it's horrible. It scares me so much and you don't realize." She explained, wanting to get her point out of the way. As soon as she finished she could feel it happening and she just completely broke down.

Travis didn't speak, instead he pulled his girlfriend into the tightest hug that he could possibly give her and just let her cry. He began to apologize and made sure to continually tell her how much he loved her too. "I've got some food on the way you're gonna eat it because your body is perfect to me no matter what."

Taylor just nodded a little before hearing a knock on the door. Travis jumped up to collect the food while Taylor cleaned her face up and got into her pyjamas, returning with some blankets. She sat down by Travis and enjoyed the pizza while she watched his show.

"Taylor I also know you've not been sleeping, please just wake me up when you can't sleep because I can help, you know I can we've been here before." He told her and she nodded a little, cuddling closer to him. Normally after she'd cried she'd be quiet for the rest of the night so Travis didn't take it personally. Instead he covered himself and Taylor with the large blanket and lay back more.

Taylor's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night to Meredith meowing and scratching my arm. This was unusual for the cat however I wasn't in the mood to mess around with her. I just carefully pushed the cat away and cuddled closer to Travis who pulled me closer. All I heard was a small voice whispering my name from behind the sofa and I quickly jumped up looking over at her.

"What's wrong sweetie," I asked as I gently placed my hand on the side of her face, struggling to see anything in the dark. Travis reached over and put on a small light and that's when I noticed the blood pouring from her nose.

She had tissue scrunched up in each hand so had clearly been trying to stop it herself but couldn't. I gently picked her up and placed her in Travis' lap before running over to grab tissues out of the kitchen. When I came back I placed them over her nose and instructed her to sit straight but put her head down. The poor baby just wanted her bed and it was obvious, every now and then she began to drop her head before realizing she was falling asleep and jumping up.

"Come here," I told her as I guided her head to my chest so she could rest it there. I placed my spare hand against her shoulder to keep her sat upright and continued to hold the tissues for her. Just as she was about to fall asleep it finally ended so I sat her up a little and got her some water to make sure she was feeling alright after it.

"Did you hurt your nose? Do you know how this could have happened?" I asked her and she shrugged then looked down again. She was over tired especially after not sleeping last night so I just figured I'd leave the questions for a different time. I sent her back to her bed but her pillow was full of blood so I instead decided to take her to my room. Travis also joined us.

As I lay down I noticed Meredith giving me a glare from the door. She clearly wanted some acknowledgement for waking me up and getting my attention so I made sure to give her it. "Good job mer, you're a very smart cat" I told her before turning out the lights and cuddling up with Travis and Harper.

The next morning I woke up and noticed Harper pushed right against me, I giggled to myself when I noticed how close Travis had hit during the night, giving the poor girl less and less room. Her hand was gently gripping onto the edge of my tshirt and I couldn't even see her face but for some reason I enjoyed having her with me.

After all of the trouble we went through to adopt a child it all finally felt right. The reason we had chose to adopt was mainly due to how little we would see eachother during my pregnancy due to my tour and his games and also due to not properly being at home, if I was to be pregnant I wouldn't be able to visit the same doctor clinic or really be able to work at all. The whole issue could completely break my only source of income so instead we chose to adopt so that the next year of tour could still be kept.

I didn't want to have fans' shows getting canceled and disappoint thousands of people. I know how much my tickets were going on sale for so to have people let down for that much money wouldn't be fair.

I tried my best to move back and allow some space for Harper, however that resulted in a huge thud and an ensemble of "meows" from the three cats that I had knocked off my bed. I looked over to see all three cats piled up on top of each other, shaking their heads to come to terms with their fall.

I noticed something digging into my side so quickly sat up now noticing the pacifier that Harper once had in her mouth had slowly made its way underneath me throughout the night. I giggled a little to myself at how random mom life had been so far before getting up and taking a shower.

By the time I had finished in the bathroom Travis was up and now making breakfast downstairs. I quickly fed the cats before making my way to our room to get Harper up. I noticed her beginning to stir so I stepped back and sat at my vanity, pretending to do my makeup so she didn't think I had woken her. "Morning gorgeous. I think Travvy has made you some pancakes to try." I told her enthusiastically.

The list of foods that she would eat wasn't extending very much so we were trying anything possible. Especially with my tour starting up again soon I needed to be able to have meals planned out for her so that my mom and Travis could handle dinner time without me. The last thing anyone needed was a meltdown during the tour.

We also needed to introduce some of the foods that she would be stuck eating at the games when we go to watch Travis. Usually foods were limited there and sometimes getting chicken tenders would mean going into larger crowds. If she wasn't going to eat food at the games I would also have to plan food that I could take for her there especially as they can be long days too.

That was the only thing that we hadn't discussed yet. She had clearly never traveled and we also needed to discuss who she'd be spending time with and her rules. We were leaving for my tour in 3 days and so it was quite important to discuss it.

I watched her run off into the kitchen holding her blankie and with her little bear held tightly to her chest. Once she had woken up the pacifier had gone straight back into her mouth so I had clearly made a mistake with that but at least she would have some comfort while we were away from home and while she couldn't always be around me and Travis.

I smiled to myself, taking in how perfect everything was. I didn't want anything to change and I just hoped it wouldn't.

Also what do we think about adding in the individual character POV's of course this one focussed on Taylor but what do we think of maybe a Harper pov?

Also not really loving the name harper rn haha I've got some many ideas that I prefer but oh well, guess I'll just have to write another Taylor fanfic in the future!

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