Chapter 11

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~Y/n POV~

It has been two days from the war I was sitting with Azrael on the couch talking about everything "so you really saying" I ask him he nods "yes Y/n I am staying it is boring up there" "right I am stuck with your ass" "HEY" but then we started laughing.

~Charlie POV~

I was sitting in my and Vaggie's room with Vaggie and I was trying to work out how this has happened "ahhhhh Vaggie how this happen and who did his to him" "Hun I am sure we can work it out" Vaggie say look at a baby Alastor who is on the floor playing with some of the toy. "But I don't know what to do" "well you can ask your dad for help" "I mean you are right but I don't think he will help dad doesn't like Al" then there was a knock on the door.

I go to it and open it and see "dad" "hi Char Char is everything ok" he looks at me worried "umm thing is great" "Charlie I can see you are worried" as my dad said that he walk in and was look around "well dad you might see that there is something dif-" "Charlie what you talking about there is only you and Vaggie in here "WHAT" I look and see He was not on the floor he was gone "Veggie did you see were he went" "No I didn't" we both looked everywhere in our room "Char Char what is going on" I look at my dad that was when


We all ran down stairs and see something.

~Y/n POV~

"GET THAT THING AWAY FROM NUGS" Angel said I see Charlie, Luci and Vaggie come down "should we see what is going on" Azrael asked I nod and we go and see why Angel was yelling. I see him standing on the table holding nuggs and then I see a baby deer on the floor "GET IS AWAY" I pick up the baby and look at them "awww are you so cute" and I tickle his little hooves and the baby laughs. Angel got down and still holds Nuggs ''thank you so much toos that thing was going to eat Nuggs" "Angel well there must be hungry are you little guy" the baby Nods "I think the baby looks like a boy and you are right he is soo cute" Azrael say "oh you find him" Charlie say "what do you mean Charlie" Azrael said as I was going to make my mother jambalaya and was listening to them as well.

"Well that is Alastor we were going back to Rosie yesterday to talk to her and I don't know but when got there he was like that Rosie said it I should take him back here but I don't know why" Charlie say "awww I know she would be talking about me I know what Al like when he was this ago" I say smiling at him and kiss the top of his head and he smiles "how you are his little sister" "Mum loved say what Al was like when he was a baby this is why I am making my mothers jambalaya this was the only thing thing he well eat plus he looks about 1 or 2 years old" I say putting Al in a high chair and put a blow of it in front of him and he and starts eating it "wow I tried to give him everything" Charlie says "hahaha that is My family my mama's jambalaya was the best" "wait Charlie you said you found him did you lose him" Azrael says like he has just gone into dad mod "I was taking to my dad and I didn't see where he want to" Charlie says looking down I start laughing and everyone was looking me "Y/n what is funny" Luci say "Sorry haha sorry when he was 1 or 2 my father will come home-" "What is so funny about that" Vaggie says "let me finished he will come home and well you just learnt how to runway quickly and quietly" I look at Al and he was showing he finished and then he point to the pot where there was more and got his blow and put more in it and give it back to him he smiled and when back to eating "we didn't know Y/n" Charlie say "well me and Al we don't like taking about it" I say look at Al he show me his blow he didn't finish it but I can tell he was full so I picked him up "Ok well I am take Al to bed in my room if you need me I will be there" I walk off to my room "I AM COME TOO" Azrael said and walked to my room.

~Small time skip~

Me and Azrael are in my room and I put Al down for a nap "he is so cute" Azrael said "You have said that a lot it is like you have a crush on my brother" I say "I mean he is cute baby or not to me he seems like-" "he is more of a mum and a dad then I can ever think of" "Y/n he was there for you when your left" "yeah and he was a dad when my own father was never there" "Y/n I know about you life you told me and girl I will be here for you no matter what" then he was hit with something Azrael look to see what hit him and who threw it. We both saw it was a toy and when we saw who threw it it was Al I started laughing Azrael was not happy by that "why the hell did he" "He is my brother he hated guys the same when we were kids" Al clapped his and was laughing like a kid.

~Time skip~

Al was sitting in a jar full of cookies and he was eating the cookies "awwww Al you are so cute I need to take a picture" I took out my phone to take a picture and Al was too busy eating the cookie and I took my changes to take it.

Al was sitting in a jar full of cookies and he was eating the cookies "awwww Al you are so cute I need to take a picture" I took out my phone to take a picture and Al was too busy eating the cookie and I took my changes to take it

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Picture of baby Al is not mine, I just found it.

I look at the picture and saw it was not glitch at all "awww Al you are so cute awww I have to keep this" I picked him up and start walking away as it was late in the night and Al as a kid he need to sleep and I carried him to my room and walk in your room and lay Al down on your bed and put him to sleep I lay down with him and going to sleep but then there was a knock on her door and got up and walked to it and opened it and it was Luci "oh Luci why are you here" "well Y/n I came to see how you are doing" "Oh I am fine I know Al and I just put him to sleep" "Oh I see my dear you must know" "well do you mind If I hang out with you" I nod and move so he can walk in and we walked over and sat on the floor. "So you are a falling winner" Luci says as he looked at me with a bit of pity "it is fine I only got to the gates and was just pushed down it is nothing I am used to" "what do you mean" "well when I was alive I was always in Al shadow anyone that know Al know me has his sweet little brother I was never know as Y/n and-" "And when meet Elijah he made you feel special and knowed" "yeah how did you know" "to me Lilith was that to me she made me feel like I was wanted special and wanted she really got me and understand me" He says looking at his wedding ring and plays with it "but she left me and I don't know why was it something I did, or something I said was it something I didn't do" I go to him and put my hand on his cheek and made him look and me "Lucifer from what I see and what you do you are a amazing person Lilith left you but that is not on you that is on her you never talked bad about her you ways had love for her and even when you are mad at her you never talked bad you still will talk about all the good things about her the next person you see or go out with well have to see that if their don't then she is not anything you should have someone who loves you for you and see the good in you and even if Lilith comes back of you if you have someone there should be there for you and tell her that she is missing out on an amazing, kind and caring man" he looks and me after I said all that "thank you Y/n I needed to here that but I well let you get some sleep good night my dear" he gets up and walk to the door "good night Luci" he nods and walks off and I was smiling I feel happy.

"Awwww that is cute but why the short king" "AHHHHHHH" I jump and I see Al kicking his leg like a schoolgirl "Al what the Fuck" "well" "I was just helping a friend out" ' why did that hurt me' "whatever you say my dear but just so you know he is a guy and I know guys just be safe ok" I nod my and pats my head "well good night I am going to my bed sweet dream" he kiss the top of my head and leaves. And I just walked to my bed and lay down and went to sleep.

Hi guys, I hope you like this chapter. This is fun to write out and I hope you like baby Al. But it is all good. I do hope you like this chapter and please don't forget to vote and thank all very much and I hope you all have a lovely night / day. I will see you call in the next chapter or book byeeee~.

Words 1759

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