Chapter 5 (Radio Killed the Video Star)

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⚠️Swearing, Spoilers ⚠️

Hey sorry for the late chapter as it was work stuff sorry but I do hope you all like this chapter please don't forget to vote this chapter thank you all for waiting and now I give you Chapter 5.


As I got up and looked for my brother I knew what was going on down stairs as Angel was texting me because he didn't want to text Vel. Hey that is far I really don't like him he is really a slut. I ended up finding my brother sitting down having a coffee. He saw me smile and I sat down in the chair on the other side of him.

"Well my dear you did make me worry when I sew you came back with those injuries so do you want to tell me how you got them" I see him look at me worried for my safety "well you see I think-"


When I look I see Sir Pentious ship and then "Show yourself Alasssstor. Come and face -'' then he looked at Alastor sitting with me. "Oh there you are - Face my wrath!" "Who are you?" "Who am I? Who am I?! I am the great Ssssssir Pentiousssss!, Inventor, architect of dessstruction, villain extraordinaire!" As Sir Pen was saying all that Al did his shadow thing and I just jumped down yeah I sometimes don't care I then walk over to Angel and stand next to him. That was when Niffty come out of nowhere "Ooooooh, he's a bad boy~" Al picked Niff off his shoulder and put her down and say "Ha, well if all that's true, you'd think I'd have heard of you" " I attacked you literally last week" Al cracks his head "We've done battle, like... 20 times." "Well, you must have been really bad at this." Damn he is playing like a sassy queen "Silence! Now cower! For when I've ssslain you, the almighty Vees will finally acknowledge me as their equal'' eww not them then Niff is now on my shoulder "Ooh! Wait, who are the Vees?" "Oh, nobody important, '' me and Al said at the same time.

~small time skip as don't want to wright out the v's part sorrys~

Al was laughing like a crazy person. Hey, I am not going to stop him for his fun heh. "Um...Alastor! I think he's had enough." Charlie was trying to make Al stop "Nah. He's got a few more hits in him." Me and Angel say that was when Sir Pen fell down and now face first into the floor "Thanks for another forgettable experience" hehe he is right it will be another forgettable thing to forget "Thank you... for letting your guard down! Oh" Sir pen used his tail and ripped a bit of his suit oh he is fucked now "Aha! Yah! Oh, shit..." There was bang and then you see Sir Pen flying off (A/N he is now team rock blasting off again XDD sorry had to).

"Well, it looks as though I need a visit to the tailor! Best of luck, chums'' He started walking off when Vaggie said "Wait, you're leaving?! Alastor! We need your help! We need you to do your job" Angel gestures to the hole on the wall "We need a wall" I rolled my eyes and Al said "Of course! Can't let my new project fall into disrepair already. What would the papers say?!" With a snap of his fingers, black ink demons appear with construction tools as Alastor walks away. Angel takes an interest and looks at one of the larger muscular demons, shoving Vaggie away as he walks up to him "Hey, sweet cheeks. Whatcha doin' later? I love me a man with a giant ...tool" that was when I got a call it is Odette I pick it up "hey sis what do you need" "we need to home we need to talk as a family" "yeah sure I will there" I hang up "I am going to bye" I then walk off.

~time skip~

I came back in after being told there will an overloaded meating like every year and the big thing that we can't talk about what happen on that day oh and if you think I told my mum or sisters what Elijah yeah no I didn't but I walk in to see is Sir Pen "WHAT IN THE UNHOLY IS HE DOING HERE" Charlie see me "Sir Pentious is here to be restoration" I look at Charlie and it might be weird but I look at her as my own child it is just I didn't want one with my Ex but if I did ever meet anyone who looks at me as a person then a play thing I will be happy "Charlie sweetheart there are just somethings that some sinners might-" "Y/N I am sure I can do this ok" "fine Charlie but he hurts you I will feed him to my Lino or wolf ok" she smiles and hugs me" Thank you thank you thank you" she lets go and runs off to show Sir Pen around and I walk with Angel and stand next to him until "Uh, what the hell am I then?" "Well, you're an important part of our family here Angel, but you uhm, uh..." "Constantly make us look bad, sexually harass the staff, and have literally never once tried to improve?" "What she means is, it's just nice to have someone interested for once" I can Angel was hurt by this. I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled at him "I am here for you like you were back then" "thanks toots''.

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