Chapter 10 (The Show Must Go On)

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So I hope you like this as I am having fun now. I do hope you like this story and please don't forget to vote. I am having fun doing this so well let the show start.


I was still at my house. I had to wait for someone to get here but as I was waiting I went and looked at myself in the mirror and I brushed my hair. 'Are there sure this well work I mean with how this has happen Adam well be dead and there will be war but then there is-' before I can go on "Awww sweet Y/n if you keep that worried face you well look ugly and we don't want that now" and he was upside down and I see his short black hair and black eyes I roll my eyes "you took your time Azrael" I walk away from him.

 'Are there sure this well work I mean with how this has happen Adam well be dead and there will be war but then there is-' before I can go on "Awww sweet Y/n if you keep that worried face you well look ugly and we don't want that now" and he was ...

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Pic of Azrael not mine

He flys down and put his feet on the floor "awww well fine and yeah well I had to try and not let my brothers know where I was going but then I did tell them I had to go and see if you are ok I mean we all still don't know why you are down here.... Oh wait I do know hehe" he smiles "Michael said he is not happy about this but what can we do" "well Azrael lets just hope nothing bad happens" "yes yes and I know our plan in this war let's get to this oh and your mother said hi and she is happy that someone is looking out for you" I smile and nob I do miss her I walk over to the door and grab my cape and put it on.

Your outfit not my pic it is Black and your favorite color

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Your outfit not my pic it is Black and your favorite color

"Damn you look hot" I punch him "whatever we have to go now" I get my wings out and he does the same and we fly to where the war was happening.

~time skip~

We are as close to the battle we are just making sure everything is going good so far I smile "see you have nothing to worry see your brothers shield is working" I look at him "I don't about his I am making sure everyone is ok my brother is the last on my mind" he looks and me wait like What the fuck face "ok he might have fucked up but why do you hope for his death" "I do not" "so then what did he do" "he hurt a guy that I care about" "ok does the guy you care about sold his soul to your brother cos he lost" I shut up and watch "so he did I guess he pushed into something your brother didn't want him in and if I was him and with my brother I well not want him to know someone he cares about I mean I don't want Luci knowing I am here helping Sir Circe who is a sinner but it is not like he well know" I roll my eyes but that was when.

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