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Two hours later I'm back in Natasha's kitchen making her a sandwich when the front door opens and Wanda barges in, "it smells like sex in here," she tells me when she sees me. "Where's Nat?"

"Bedroom," I tell her without turning around. "She's a little.."

"What the fuck?" Wanda exclaims.

"Wanda!" Natasha yells right back.

"Tied up," I finish to myself.

There's footsteps behind me and Wanda asks, "you couldn't have warned me?"

I shrug, "you didn't give me time."

There's another set of footsteps and then Natasha's voice says, "you couldn't have knocked?"

I turn to her, "how did you get out of the cuffs?"

Both of the girls laugh and Wanda says, "even I can get out of handcuffs. It was Avengers training 101."

"Wanda," Natasha warns.

Wanda looks at her, "you haven't told her yet?"

"Told me what?" I ask them.

"Nothing apparently," Wanda says. "But I came to tell you that I'm leaving. I'm going back to the farm."

"What?" Natasha asks sadly. "You don't want to stay longer?"

Wanda shakes her head, "I miss the farm. It's peaceful there. Besides," she grins, "you've got that one to keep you entertained."

"Do you need a lift back?" I offer.

She gives me a queasy look, "once on dragon back is enough for me. No," she shakes her head with a small grin, "I'm gonna forest witch it for a while."

"You're not a witch," Natasha says quickly.

Wanda gives her a soft look, "I am, and it's ok. There's worse things to be." She gives Natasha another long hug and then she's gone, the door closing behind her with a click.

"What did Wanda mean?" I ask Natasha hesitantly. "About Avengers training? What is an Avenger?"

Natasha sighs as she goes to sit on the couch, "before I died, Wanda and I were part of an organization called the Avengers. We were earth's mightiest heroes, even though a few of us weren't even from earth. We protected the world from evil, both alien and human." She smiles slightly, "even from gods." Her smile fades as she continues, "there was one, Thanos, who managed to kill half of the universe's population. We called it the Blip. People.. they just disappeared. Wanda was one of them, along with my sister."

I go and sit next to her as she talks, taking it all in. I didn't know she had a sister. But then again, we haven't exactly done much talking.

"What was left of the Avengers spent five years trying to come up with a way to bring them back," she says shakily. "And we finally found one, but in order to get all the pieces, a sacrifice had to be made."

And then it clicks as I remember what she told Dekon at the fair, "that's how you ended up on Vormir. You were the sacrifice."

She nods, "yeah. And it worked because Wanda came back and my sister."

"What's her name?" I ask. "Your sister."

She smiles fondly, "Yelena. Her name is Yelena."

"And your spouse?" I ask.

She looks at me puzzled, "I didn't have one."

"Oh," I mutter. "I could have sworn drunk Natasha said she was a Widow."

Elysium (Natasha Romanoff)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora