•Err, you wanna hug?•

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AFTER A FEW HOURS OF HANGING OUT, people eventually started leaving the house. The dishes were starting to be cleared and a silence filled the kitchen as Piper helped load the dishwasher.

  More than anything, Piper wanted to know what her mom was thinking. Did she actually like Piper? Or was she just putting on a show for family and friends?

  Piper sighed and set the plates in the dishwasher. Who knows if she would ever get an answer.

  Her mom and dad sat at the dining table, engaging in a quiet conversation as Aunt Becky helped her wash the dishes.

"Darling." Aunt Becky's voice cut through the silence, snapping Piper out of her thoughts. Becky handed Piper the plate in her hand and continued scrubbing the next one.

  After about fifteen minutes of silence filled with the occasional clanging of silverware, her mom nodded at the hallway. Piper followed her mom into the hallway, her footsteps padding softly on the wooden floors. Her moms heels clicked loudly as she led her down the hall.

  Her mom exhaled and turned around abruptly. "I need to talk about something."

"Okay." Piper said awkwardly, shifting her weight onto her other leg.

  Her mom and her didn't really have deep talks, they didn't have girl nights where they spent hours unpacking each other's social lives, they just went on with their lives, trying to avoid any awkward conversation if possible.

"Just remember that this is only for the summer." Her mom said once they had reached a quiet corner of the house.

"What are you trying to say?" Piper asked. She pressed her nails into her palm. What was her mom gonna say this time?

"I've just seen the way you are here. You've gotten used to Becky being your mother and Rick being your dad, as if we aren't good enough for you."

What is she even saying?

"Mom, they are taking care of me while you're away!" Piper shouted, then quickly lowered her voice once she realized that Becky and Rick were still in the kitchen. "they needed to be the parents because you couldn't!"

"Don't raise your voice at me. I'm just saying that all these new friends you made won't last forever, we have to go back home in three months." Her mom said firmly.

"Mom Walker, Leah, Aryan, Dior, and Charlie have been the most amazing friends ever and-"

"-Don't get me started on Walker. Are you wearing more makeup because of him? Is that why you did your hair all nice today once you realized he was coming over?"

"I did it for myself!"

"Oh please." Her mom scoffed. "And don't think I didn't hear that you've been on set as well? What did I say about not bothering your aunt and uncle!"

  Piper kept quiet. She knew she could never reason with her mom, after all, Piper got her stubbornness from her.

  Instead of focusing on her mom, she stared at the painting behind her mom. It was a ship at sea, teetering in the choppy waves. Piper eyed the details of the painting as she listened to her mom.

"Can I go now?" Piper whispered, her eyes blurring up with tears that she refused to let fall.

  Her mom pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Yes, you may go."

  Piper fled to her room, shutting the door behind her as fast as she could. As soon as she was alone, she broke down. Tears came fast out of her eyes and never stopped.

  All of a sudden, she heard heavy footsteps in the hallway. She sniffled, trying to stop her crying.

  The door to her room opened and in walked Walker. Once his eyes saw that she was on the floor crying, he rushed over to her, sitting down next to her.

"What is it? What's wrong?" He asked frantically, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"It's nothing, why are you here? I thought you left." She said, turning her head to the side so he couldn't see her tear stained face. Her makeup that she had put in all the effort for was probably long gone, and remnants of mascara were probably all that was left, streaking her cheeks with black.

  She didn't want him to see her cry, they weren't even at that point of their friendship yet.

"I left my hat again. Why are you crying? I know it's not nothing." He quickly said, turning her head back to face him.

  Piper paused for a moment, contemplating even telling him her problems. "I know it sounds stupid and selfish of me but it's my parents." She let out, tears coming down faster as she choked out her words.

"Why would that be selfish?" He asked, slowly placing his arm around Piper's shoulder in comfort.

  Piper shrugged. "They raised me, y'know? They were the ones who took care of me all my life, and maybe they don't take care of me the best, but they don't physically hurt me."

  At this point, Piper's eyes were stinging. She had never really told anyone this, not even her friends at home. It felt silly to talk to someone about your parents.

"You shouldn't feel selfish Piper." Was all Walker said. If Piper thought she was crying hard before, she started sobbing even harder.

  She did still feel a little guilty. For unknown reasons she felt like she had betrayed her parents because she complained about them to someone.

"Err, you wanna hug?" Walker awkwardly asked.

  Piper let out a laugh. That was the Walker she was used too.

  She nodded and he embraced her, holding her tight in his grip. Her tears were starting to fall a little less, and she sat there in walkers arms, crying the last of her tears.

  He gently rubbed circles on her back with his palm and played with her hair through the hug.

"Sorry 'bout your shirt." Piper muttered, a little embarrassed she had told him everything and cried in front of him. What if he thought she was clingy and annoying? Honestly, Walker didn't seem like that person, but she still hesitated.

"It's fine, it's Leena's anyway."

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