•Big Mac•

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THE ARCADE WAS BUSY. Groups of people hovered over machines, yelling at the people playing them. There was little sunlight in the store, but the neon lights from the games illuminated the whole room.

  Beeping, screaming, and cheering were heard through the entire establishment. It was overwhelming.

  Candy wrappers and a few stray tickets were left on the brown carpeted floors, which kids occasionally picked up.

  Piper was with Leah, Walker, Aryan, and Charlie as they entered the store. Charlie immediately bolted off towards the basketball game, with Aryan quickly in pursuit.

  Walker let out a little gasp and pointed towards a driving game. "That one."

  Leah shrugged and followed him. Piper then followed Leah, weaving her way in between the groups of teenagers. They arrived at the game just to see Walker slide in the leather seat and tap the buttons on the screen. The lights around him started blinking and flashing, lighting up his facial features with pinks and blues.

  With all of Walker's confidence taken into account, Piper thought he was going to be really good at the game. He even cracked his knuckles and rolled his shoulders to get ready.

  He grabbed the steering wheel and started driving with jerky movements. Loud crashes were heard through the speakers as the tiny screen showed a red Ferrari crashing into several cars and trees.

"I'm getting flashbacks to season one where we filmed the scene where you drove." Leah said as she stood next to Walker, watching the screen intently.

"Haven't improved much I guess." Piper said as she watched Walker crash into a few more cars.

  He scoffed. "I'm in 12th place."

"I'm pretty sure that's the last place."

  Walker ignored her comment and kept on swerving the steering wheel unnecessarily harsh. His movements were jerky and he kept on driving in zig-zags. He looked like he was really concentrating though, he had his tongue sticking out of his lip just a bit and his eyebrows were furrowed. His shoulders slumped a tiny bit when his red car finally passed the finish line at 12th place.

    "Okay, move." Piper barked out tapping Walker's shoulder to get him to leave the chair.

  He stayed still. "Just one more time, 'kay?"

  Piper crossed her arms. "If you don't move I will sit on you."

  She made a move to sit in the chair that he was still in, and he shuffled out of the way last minute. She pressed restart on the game and picked a different car. She decided on a blue Tesla.

"I bet I can get better than 12th place." Piper teased.

"The bar isn't very high, try to get better than 8th." Walker retorted, a wide smile on his face.

  She rolled her eyes but accepted, clicking the green start button. As soon as the countdown finished, she pressed on the gas and set off. She wasn't a prodigy at the game, but she was far better than Walker. Leah was cheering for her the whole time, while Walker was shouting out insults as if it actually would slow her down. She only crashed into 3 cars and 1 tree before finishing in 6th place.

  Piper let out a little victory cheer, doing a tiny dance in celebration.

  Walker rolled his eyes but immediately left to join Charlie after he was waved over. He had the attention span of a goldfish, quickly moving on to the next new thing. He was now attempting to get basketballs in the mini hoop next to Aryan, who was also attempting the same thing. Both of the boys' scores weren't very high, but they looked like they were genuinely putting in effort.

  Leah and Piper stood for a second, looking around at the options before choosing a whack-a-mole game. Piper had never been quite talented at the game, it usually ended up with her nearly shattering the plastic around the game and not the actual animal. Leah, however, was extremely coordinated. She smashed the little furry animal as soon as the head appeared into view. The sound of chiming was consistent, and Leah kept on racking up tickets for a good 5 minutes before she got bored.

  When she finally finished, the tiny pink tickets started exiting the slot on the right side of the machine. There were so many tickets that they started piling up on top of each other, making a messy pile on the floor. Once the machine stopped, Leah picked up the pile of tickets, scooping them into her open arms. She had a proud smile on her face, which was nearly covered with all of the tickets.

  Next to the whack-a-mole game was a claw machine, painted a bright teal with a strip of LED lights around the edges. The clear plastic box was filled with different farm stuffed animals, including chickens, pigs, cows, and lambs.

  Piper had always liked pigs, though there wasn't an exact reason. They were pink, and had cute little tails and that was good enough reason for Piper.

  She tapped on Leah's shoulder and pointed to the pink pig in the box. "I'm gonna try to get the pig."

  Leah shrugged and entered the money, and all at once the lights around the machine brightened, flashing different colors. Before she could even move the little claw around, Walker came barreling in her peripheral vision. He stood excitedly by her side, tapping his fingers on the plastic. Piper hadn't known Walker for long, but she could tell that he matched the energy of his environment, and the people and lights had really gotten him excited.

"You should let me do this, I'm actually crazy talented at claw machines!" he exclaimed, puffing out his chest with confidence.

  One other thing that Piper had learned about Walker, was that he had a lot of false confidence.

"Just like you're great at driving games?" She questioned, giving him a look.

  Walker nodded. "Just give me one chance to get you- what do you want?"

"The pig."

"The pig will be yours."

Piper still wasn't fully convinced of his talents, but she stepped aside and let him push around the claw. His hands eagerly tapped buttons and moved around, and finally, he pushed the green button. The cast waited with baited breath as they watched the metal claw slowly lower itself down the box. It grabbed the pig sideways, and dropped it down the chute in the corner.

  Piper was speechless. Sure, Walker had told her he was good, but did she believe him? No.

  He proudly crouched and opened the side panel of the machine, pulling out the pig and holding it out for her to take. "I will give this pig to you if you let me name him/her." he offered.

"Fine. You can name the pig."

  A wide smile spread across Walker's face and he got down on one knee. He cleared his throat dramatically."I present to you...Big Mac!"

•Behind the Scenes• Walker Scobell x OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ